RE: “Russian Talking Points” Look An Awful Lot Like Well-Documented Facts

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“Russian Talking Points” Look An Awful Lot Like Well-Documented Facts

in russia •  7 years ago 

Well, you are quite correct--if there aren't other uses for organs. @benswann mentioned they sold them to pharmaceutical companies, not to transplant patients.

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Well I guess I will never know what benswann said unless I want to spend twenty minutes trying to watch a five minute video in freeze frames. I wouldn't know why for the life of me a pharmaceutical company would want his remains....if you made it through the video I guess you could enlighten me. I'd still think parents have a right to remains over other entities.

It has been frustrating of late trying to watch Dtube, because of that =/

He didn't say why the pharmaceutical companies bought them, but he did mention that parents weren't informed, until the recent revelation.

I reckon you're right about parents rights, but I reckon they'd have the right to change hospitals too.

I think they have socialized medicine over there, I am sure you lose a lot of rights when given free health care.

Well, that's prolly true, and a line in the sand for me. Particularly when Alfie was availed of dual citizenship, and Italy offered free medical care.