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Love it Lee! Just RE-STEEMED it!

Please, please, please, can you next do a show to bash the real plague on humanity, not merely their media & political puppets, the banksters lead by the criminal BIS. Now, that I (and I think many others) would love to hear.

Great show Lee.
But could you please leave out the "climate change" 'cause it makes you look just as ridiculous as Maddow.
Have you seen any climate change lately?
.....I didn't think so.

#ClimateChangeIsReal humans caused it.

That link goes nowhere.
Anyway why would you believe it (when the MSM constantly tells you it's true) when you don't believe "russiagate etc." Especially when you can't see it happening with your own eyes?
Think about it.

Here's a clue:

I used to believe it too for about 20 years, but then I woke up.

I feel sorry for that delusional young man.

Why is anyone still concerned with what Rachel Madcow thinks?
Didn't she embarrass herself enough after the Tax Return incident?