Russian imperial eggs are highly valuable and consider as treasurer in the world. There are not very good match of these imperial Russian Faberge eggs available in the market. Only 43 are available right now. However, you will find a lot of fake imperial eggs in the market right now. If you are not an expert, chances are high that you will end up buying the wrong one and lose a huge amount of money.
That is why you need to keep your eyes and ear open all the time when looking for an original imperial egg. Do you know how to spot an original one? Well, you surely do not know since you are reading this article. So here are 5 unique ways to spot the original imperial eggs.
Look and feel
The first thing you need to do to spot the original one is to look and feel. You should not buy that highly valuable item without touching it. When you touch the egg, you will feel the artwork in it without even seeing it. After that, look carefully. You will find out that the artwork is up to mark and that is not common at all. Yes, there is no such standard of artwork for sure, but you can easily understand the quality of artwork on the eggs.
Smooth and shiny edges
Along with the classic look and design, the edges will be shiny and smoother. In the fake and cheaper eggs, it won’t be possible for the artists to create that amazing and shiny finish. When you hold the eggs, you can feel that the edges are smoother. Also, you can see that the edges are shiny enough. Without these two combination, you cannot tell that it is the original one.
Higher price
Do you know how much does it cost for an egg? Well, some eggs cost even more than 20 million dollars. That means it is not something cheap. So if you find out that the pricy is lower, that is not the original one for sure. Why? Well, no one is donating this egg to you, right? So there is no chance that a 20 million egg will be given to you at 20k dollars.
Authentic site
Also, make sure the site you are looking at is original. The market is now full of fraud and scammers. In that case, you may try Saint Petersburg Goods. This is a good site that you can consider looking at. However, make sure you do your own research before trusting anyone.
Finally, look at the decoration of the eggs. I cannot tell you how the decoration looks like because it is beyond the description in words. So you need to know the decoration and look at the decoration of the eggs you have.
These are the 5 unique ways to spot the original imperial Russian Faberge eggs. If you follow these tips, chances are high that you can choose the right one.