Shortly after fitting the FMIC the turbo gasket warped and started to leak I decided to replace the turbo, exhaust gaskets and my exhaust manifold.
It turned out I had a few things fail me, the fuel injector o ring, the turbo gasket and a leaking power steering reservoir all around the same time . You can see that some oil leaked from the turbo but luckily this happened when it was idling at home and not on the road or under load.
Upon removal I noticed that the turbo to manifold nuts were all loose, this seems to be a super common problem so make sure to tighten these up really well and use lock tight if you can or some sort of locking nuts.
I got rid of the standard actuator and replaced it for this adjustable HKS actuator instead, Its currently setup to 0.8 bar of boost and I dont plan on going up much higher any time soon.
You will need to rotate your turbo housing when fitting this style of manifold otherwise the silicon pipe will be very close to touching the exhaust manifold and it will melt. Loosen up the bolts on the back of the turbo housing, twist it & re tighten, very easy job, thank me later.
I started to put everything back together with new gaskets in place. I hooked up some braided turbo lines (oil and water return ) I didn't have the main water line but managed to use the stock copper line with a bit of gentle persuasion and I mean seriously gentle, took me ages to get it on.
If you use the Japspeed Exhaust manifold bare in mind the stock copper lines wont reach so buy some braided water & oil lines in advance, to save your self time.
The leaking fuel injector had contaminated the oil while I was trying to diagnose the lack of power issue issue, so fresh oil, new gaskets, new parts and a few hours of labour later the car finally fired up and running very smoothly...