Science in anarchy experiment 1 day 12

in sa1g0 •  9 years ago  (edited)

Breakfast was some leftover stir fry--brown rice, canned peas, and ground sausage.

I snacked on potato chips and also a chocolate chip cookie (one I'd baked yesterday or the day before).

Lunch consisted of a couple cups of smoothie--yogurt, bananas and canned pear halves. More chip snacks.

Dinner will be chicken soup with Mexican seasonings and some gluten free bread.

Today was not a very good day for food. A lot of running around, doing some much needed planning--I think we finally have a workable chore chart for the children, for example.

In the late afternoon we ran a few errands. Now we're back home.

Baby got a cold last night. His earlier fussiness is now no longer a mystery. He was probably coming down with the cold. He's doing OK, and nursing a lot, and I hope tonight will sleep a lot. Last night he nursed much and slept little.

I've been feeling a little frantic, with so much to do, but also triumphant because I got some important things accomplished.


Finished dinner. It was a bowl of chicken soup with Mexican seasonings, and some hot buttered gluten free rosemary bread as a side. A friend was cleaning out her freezer and gave us a few loaves. We tried them out and they were pretty good. Not sure I'd ever buy them, but will enjoy them while they last. Since I'm going to need to make a lot of dinners ahead of time, I will need the freezer space, so we're slowly clearing out random things like that.

I had a small amount of vanilla ice cream for dessert.

I had a couple arguments with one of my kids who is going through a particularly argumentative stage. I really hate it when I "fall for it." On the bright side, it's really motivating us to organize things like chore charts and so forth, because a lot of the arguments have to do with the kid not knowing what's expected and not wanting to just be available to do housework (or whatever we think is needed) when it's convenient for Mom and Dad. Now all the kids have their daily chores spelled out and the list can tell them what to do. If they need reminding I can point to the list. It's kind of hard to argue with a piece of paper LOL.

Baby's sleeping. Nursed to sleep. I'm going to hustle the rest of the kids and myself in bed before Baby wakes up again.

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Another great blog! Keep up the excellent work!

A baby with a cold is no fun. I'm glad you got the important stuff accomplished, you can only do things one at a time!

Truly some old fashioned mothers added a small amount of alcohol to a baby's diet, it is fine if rarely used and helps the mother get quality rest . . .

So this anarchy experiment is what a rebellion against fiber and nutrition and some sort of strange fling with Sodium and Carbs ? ? ?

Apologies; that was my best attempt at humor at 10 PM after twelve Steemit hours today, sort of sorry : )

/ hugz : )

. . . actually; this is the new me, No actually I am NOT " sort of sorry " ; I actually did nothing so wrong that I should apologize for it ! ! !

Darn it; no matter what, the next three things the family ask for my answer will be a conscious choice . . .

No; or get it yourself ! ! !

/ hugz ; )

\ crap; I think I am low on sugar lol , just kidding . . . : )

Memo to self; NO Coffee at 9 PM ! ! !

#scienceinanarchy is a hashtag for any research project using steemit.

@wiser is participating in study SA1 (Immune cascade effects on emotional state) which is attempting to determine what role the inflammation cascade and the immune system may play in mood and depression.

She is in sa1g0 meaning that she is in the control group.
Primarily she's just blogging about the minutia of her day and especially detailing what she's eating and how she feels about any interactions that she feels were notable.
She's not supposed to change anything about her normal routine, and she's not supposed to take any anti-inflammatory medicines etc.

Her blog allows her to do this free form rather than taking a survey each day.
At the end of the study we will use Apache cTakes to extract information from her notes and then use that to help build a profile for further analysis.

There are other groups as well but thus far, she has been the most diligent in participation.
You can be helpful by going to and upvoting her posts if you like.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

Ah i was wondering about that special tag category. There was a man decades ago who wrote down every detail of his life every day for like 20 years or something.

He even recorded his feeling when he could not get his can opener to work properly. This written archive was officially preserved somewhere, I just forget the details; but I will search later.

I always try and upvote things I like or things I feel make some sort of qualitative difference : )

/ hugs ; )

Think about it; what is it about recording five years of your life, nothing compared to 25 years ! ! !

I'm hardly writing down everything about my life. Here, just sticking to what's relevant for the experiment. What I eat and how I feel (well, mainly when the feelings are strong one way or another).

Which is perfect and the actual point :D

Thanks for answering this, @williambanks :)