Science in anarchy experiment 1 day 13

in sa1g0 •  9 years ago  (edited)

Baby coughed a fair amount at night, and needed to be soothed by nursing. I also had a stretch of an hour or so where I couldn't get to sleep even though the baby was sleeping. Needless to say, not my most restful night ever. 

Breakfast was two fried eggs and two pieces of sourdough toast with lots of butter. I also had a glass of orange juice and took my supplements (the Green Pastures fermented cod liver oil/high vitamin butter oil combo) I take these supplements at least once a day but sometimes forget to mention them.

I normally work all day on Friday. However my job is extremely flexible (it helps being in charge of the program). Today I took the baby with me because I felt he needed to be with me. I taught a class in the morning while holding him, and then went on a marathon shopping spree for all kinds of odds and ends that my program needs. The little guy was a real trooper, even sleeping through two stores, which was good for him. He would wake up fussy, and I think it's because his cold was uncomfortable for him. I had to cut the trip short when I noted that it was getting colder outside, and I didn't want to expose him to extreme temperatures. The whole week up to today has been summer-like weather. Today it started off that way, but steadily got colder as the day wore on. I was able to get baby home before it got too cold, then came back to work for another couple hours, and then headed back home.

Lunch was leftover Mexican chili. While shopping I bought four mozzarella cheese sticks from the Wal-Mart deli. 

I haven't had dinner yet, but am getting hungry. 

I nursed baby quite a bit throughout the day. I've figured out how to do that on the go, while pushing his stroller (often filled with merchandise) or paying for my stuff, so I was able to keep doing what I needed to do and meet his needs. That's why I brought him. He's very cute and sociable, and got me into a couple warm conversations with fellow customers. One was a children's book author who'd just moved up here from Texas the day before. She was so taken with Baby that she gave him a copy of her book. It's called Alexander Graham Cracker Goes to the Moon. She also gave me some advice about silk flowers, something I know very little about.

That shopping trip was very much needed, and I'm so glad it's behind me (lots of necessities had accumulated). And I'm glad I got to spend the day with my littlest guy.

Dinner was two leftover grilled chicken drumsticks, lots of sweet corn on the side, and a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.

Time to call it a night.

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