Science in anarchy experiment 1 day 14

in sa1g0 •  9 years ago  (edited)

Today was one of those days with no breaks. Nutcracker rehearsals, ballet classes, more shopping (this time for my family), work, church, more work, quick meals, bed...

Breakfast was scrambled eggs with ground sausage, yams, potatoes, and butter. I had enough leftovers to pack for lunch, so lunch was the same as breakfast.

I had some Mexican chicken soup as a late afternoon snack.

Dinner was a bit of petit shrimp with shrimp cocktail sauce and three ears of sweet corn suitably buttered, salted and peppered.

Baby nursed when he could, which still was often. He's slowly getting better, coughing less, and fussing less. He's not quite over it yet, though.

Had a few arguments with the argumentative kid, usually revolving around trying to get out the door, or out of a store, in a timely fashion. Being in a hurry is a pretty sure recipe for parent-child conflicts. So it's best to not be in a hurry with your kids. Easier said than done. The irony is that a huge part of what makes us so busy and hurried is our own children's activities. And then we argue with them about trying to get to them or away from them in time.

I will enjoy a bowl of vanilla ice cream with chocolate chips before calling it a night. I'm still a bit hungry...


Ice cream bowl with chocolate chips enjoyed :)

I had a strong emotion right before that. I was clicking around on Steemit, and found myself reading some guy's tale of horrendous tragedy... only to find out at the end it was just a story--a horror story, one he enjoyed writing. I should have gotten a clue from the picture and title. But I missed it because I don't read or watch horror. I stay away from horror in any medium because it really gets to me. I can't get the images out of my mind and I get worked up about it. Yup, I got worked up about something I read on Steemit. I didn't flag the post (it's not like the author did anything wrong), but I did mute the author so I won't ever see his or her posts anymore, because I don't want to accidentally get sucked into reading a horror post again. I don't advocate censorship, but I do have to protect myself.

Now I'm sort of wondering if I were to take an anti-inflammatory pill, if it would help me feel better, based on the hypothesis this experiment is testing. I'm not going to do it, but I do wonder...

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