Science in anarchy experiment 1 day 19

in sa1g0 •  9 years ago  (edited)

When I first started this project, it seemed like it would take forever to get to day 30 when I can once again keep what I eat to myself LOL. The first ten days seemed to drag by, but the middle ten days are just flying. Only 11 days to go.

Breakfast was a quick omelette. It had leftover hamburger, some cheese, sour cream, and of course eggs. Since I didn't make it I'm not 100% sure of all the ingredients. 

I then went to work for about five hours, pumping once during that time. Did I mention yesterday that this is an insanely busy week at work? 

I didn't really have lunch, other than a hasty banana and a couple ears of sweet corn. 

Dinner was a delicious pork chop and a couple baked potatoes with copious amounts of sour cream and butter.

Later I baked a cake from a gluten free mix for a birthday party. I licked the batter off the bowl and utensils. I'll try to get a photo of the box added tomorrow. I then ate another cold ear of corn.

Interactions with people have been generally OK, but hurried. There is one kid that I tend to argue with a lot. Again, it's about clarifying my expectations. We recently implemented a new chore system, which is working out great, but the kids are still adjusting.

I had some phone conversations with people at work which got the job done, but not remarkable otherwise. After work I hung out at the local park with a few other homeschool families in my town. The two other moms who were there were swapping stories about a girl in the neighborhood who comes over to their house to play with their kids often. Let's just say this girls is raised very differently from the ways we are raising our children, which makes for some interesting drama. I don't know this girl because we live farther away from where she and these other moms live.

I would say my biggest complaint about my interactions with the people I live with is that I'm not always heard. Sometimes I feel like I'm giving random orders and the kids are tuning out. The new chore chart is helping, as well as a reward system whereby rewards are removed if Mom or Dad have to repeat themselves. But we're in that transition of getting used to the new system and hoping that we the parents can remain consistent with it. The other complaint is that when we're very busy and there's a lot going on, and all the kids think whatever is on their mind is of utmost importance and urgency, and I can hardly get out a complete sentence to communicate timely information to my husband--often concerning the kids. Sometimes it's like a real circus. I'm told this is common in large families and it's just a matter of figuring out how to make sure the parents can communicate about the essential things and the kids know to not interrupt. We haven't quite found a solution for that part, though we've experimented with different times of the day where the kids have to leave Mom and Dad alone so they can talk. So far we haven't landed on the communication scenario that consistently works for us. Fortunately my husband and I get along great so when there's inadequate communication we sort of commiserate about the crazy schedule or all the interruptions but don't usually get upset with each other.

And will you just look at the time! This might be inadvertently turning into an experiment on sleep deprivation! I'm going to cut the side experiment short by going to bed now.

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You rock and thanks for keeping this up! Only 11 more days left!
BTW how are your interactions with people. Anything remarkable or noteworthy? Also be sure to let us know if it feels like people are treating you different as well.

  ·  9 years ago (edited)

I wasn't quite done before I hit the publish button, because I was busy, er, interacting with the kiddos :)
I added some general notes about interactions with people. Although I tend to overschedule (and hence be a wee bit too busy), I have a pretty laidback temperament, and don't get ruffled too easily. So the vast majority of the time, my interactions with people are pretty calm and probably boring. I'm probably the most high strung around my kids. That's a combination of the way I was raised (very high strung parents), and that I'm often out of my element with some of the things my kids throw at me, especially the older ones, because well, I've never had kids their age before :) I don't associate that with food, but then who knows? Maybe your data will show that I report negative interactions whenever I eat a certain food, and then I'll have a decision to make. I have noticed that the more orderly we can get our home life, the more smooth our interactions within the family go.