Science in anarchy experiment 1 day 21

in sa1g0 •  9 years ago 

Another busy day. 

Breakfast was whole wheat pancakes with home made syrup and butter and a glass of oranje juice. Later on I had a banana for a snack.

Lunch was leftover pancakes with melted cheese.

Dinner was two helpings of whole wheat noodles and tomato sauce and a glass of orange juice.

Interactions with people were generally positive. The exception is that I had one kid whining a lot about chores. We're still adjusting to the idea that each kid is responsible for certain areas getting cleaned up each day and they need to be mindful of their responsibilities throughout the day. Right now I need to remind them, and sometimes I forget.

Other than that, it's just that time of the year where I have a bit too much on my plate. 

Feeling good that yesterday's birthday party was a success. I think I have the birthday party thing down pretty well.

Baby nursed as usual and slept pretty well during the day. He slept pretty well last night. I hope he has a good night tonight, because I sure need it.

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