Sabang - Bunker became the most iconic Japanese relic in Sabang. Rumornya even there is a treasure in one of his bunker.
detikTravel had the opportunity to visit Sabang which became the priority destination of the Ministry of Tourism two weeks ago. Exploring many bunker, he said one of them has a treasure. Is not it true?
"Inside this bunker there is a treasure," said Safari, Staff of Tourism and Culture of Sabang.
The bunkers in question are bunkers located at Sabang Fair and closest to the sea. This bunker is already in pugar, so there is no sign of the location of the treasure.
"Inside this bunker there is an ancient map hidden by the Japanese army, but some tourists come to pick it up," Safari said.
How can you know?
"So there are kids playing near bunkers and then seeing tourists who look like Japanese are measuring something in here," Safari explained.
Anak-anak ini melihat para turis tersebut melubangi tembok bunker dan mengeluarkan kertas. Kertas tersebut berisi gambar-gambar yang terlihat seperti peta.
"Sehabis ambil peta, mereka langsung pulang," ucap Safari.
Safari menambahkan, bahwa setelah turis tersebut melakukan aksi mencurigakan. anak-anak tersebut melapor ke orang tuanya. Namun tentu saja, turis-turis yang katanya dari Jepang tersebut sudah pergi.
"Tak ada yanh tahu soal keberadaan peta kuno tersebut. Mungkin mereka adalah salah satu dari keluarga tentara Jepang dahulu dan ingin mengambil kembali apa yang menjadi miliknya,"