"The Impact of Covid – 19" by Saint Germain via Natalie Glasson

"The Impact of Covid – 19 by Saint Germain
Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa
Greetings with love and truth enfold your being now, as I draw close to connect with you in the truth of the Creator. I am Saint Germain speaking to you, although I am accompanied by the entire Universe of the Creator. We are all expanding our love and support to each being upon the Earth and in fact all aspects of the Earth. Please know and remember how much you are loved and valued by us and the Creator. We are simply expressions of the Creator, as are you.
You Are Worth More Than Your Imagination Can Conceive
Please take time to contemplate your worth, because you are magnificent and unlimited. The more you can contemplate your worth from a space of being centred into your awareness the more you will learn to love yourself and humanity unconditionally. This will awaken new understandings and insights as to what it means to be a human being living in the physical reality. Changing your perception of how you wish to experience life on the Earth from the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of your being as well as your soul in action. You will discover through this simple practice how to be with other people in a truthful and loving way, and how to create in your reality from a space of divinity. This practice will support you in staying grounded during this time of change upon the Earth and beginning the awakening process for yourself and humanity that is taking place now.
A Multidimensional Shift is Taking Place Within Your Being and Mother Earth
An ascension shift is taking place for the Earth predominantly, although it will impact the entire Universe of the Creator. The Light Blaze of 2020 has anchored a light magnification designed to energise all that is light upon the Earth and within humanity. This has created an eruption of fear and negativity which has been buried and locked into the Earth, waiting for a time when humanity is ready to transmute the energy. The fear and negativity are both from the present day and previous lifetimes. There are unresolved energies from Atlantis which have been waiting to be transformed and completed. As fear and negativity arise so they continue to be and create their original intention. Some people on the Earth are using the energy to create control and further experiences of fear to try to suppress the spiritual awakening process taking place for all. Covid – 19 is a product of the negative and fearful energies arising to be released and transformed. The virus and its impact upon the world is allowing humanity to recognise the presence of fear and negativity within their being, to recognise suffering and to begin to create positive shifts within their beings to create something beyond fear and negativity, something that will empower all.
Covid- 19 is encouraging everyone to seek within themselves to discover their connection with each other, their relationship with the Creator and the power that is theirs to wield. A multidimensional shift is taking place for the Earth and her humanity; it is taking place within each person. As each person is connected to and an expression of the Creator and Universe of the Creator. The benefits of this multidimensional shift and what will be created from it have yet to be fully realised or glimpsed by humanity. As more people seek within their being for answers and truth amidst chaos and fear, they will glimpse the value of the multidimensional shift taking place. Read more at https://omna.org/the-most-recent-channeling-from-the-sacred-school-of-omna/

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