The sacrifice of Isaac: She even kept him strong when he would have been swayed by compassion for his child. Wisdom 10:5

in sacrifice •  last year 

The Book of Wisdom teaches that wisdom coexists with God, and that to find her is to find God: "She glorifies her noble origin by living with God, the Lord of all, who loves her. She is familiar with God's mysteries and helps determine his course of action" Wisdom 8:3-4.
And this wisdom, like an invisible hand, guided many men chosen by God; that is why the Book of Wisdom, when describing how the divine spirit guided the patriarchs and notable men of the people of Israel, did not forget to mention the prophet Abraham and his son Isaac.
The book remembers that Abraham was a man who feared God and that is why he was chosen for a great task, to be the father of a numerous nation, who would receive a land as an inheritance, which at that time was called Canaan. The birth of Abraham was, as recounted in the Book of Wisdom, after God confused the languages of men as a result of the construction of the tower of Babel; in a world dominated by sin, Abraham showed the way with his example.
And as the Book of Genesis relates, Abraham's life was not free of risks and trials; while he lived he witnessed the destruction of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their sins. That is why the Book of Wisdom remembers a special moment in Abraham's life, the sacrifice of his son Isaac, with these wise words: "When the peoples of the world were thrown into confusion by the combined force of the wickedness, Wisdom found one who did what was right and kept him pure before God. She even kept him strong when he would have been swayed by compassion for his child" Wisdom 10:5.
God in his mercy spared Isaac's life says the Book of Genesis; and the Book of Wisdom teaches that the sacrifice of Isaac is a reminder that God does not want death for man, but that great promises, like those made by God to Abraham, require great actions.
The sacrifice of Isaac. She even kept him strong when he would have been swayed by compassion for his child. Wisdom 10,5.jpg
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