in sacrifice •  8 years ago  (edited)


Panchabali refers to an custom followed in a special occassion of newari culture "Bratabanda". "Bratabanda" is like giving license to young children to their adolescence . Panchabali is animal sacrifice made during that occasion. "Pancha" means 5 and "bali" means sacrifice. Hence, it is the process of sacrificing 5 animals containing hen, duck, sheep, he-goat and buffalo.

Panchabali is little bit different than other animal sacrifice. Especially in the case of buffalo sacrifice. It is rule to find out the blood vessel of the buffalo and the blood streamed towards sculpture of god in the temple. Literally saying, its more like touture since buffalo is taken as demon's ride.

Here is the video, I captured on my cousin's bratabanda about 4 years ago.
Some may found these videos disturbing. So SPOILER ALERT!!!

#Part 1

#Part 2

#Part 3

Thanks for reading and watching. Please upvote and follow @darkhorse27. Peace.

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Really its.....So Disgusting........Hard to watch