When sad reality!
Sex is free & love is costly.-Where loosing a phone is more painful than loosing VIRGINITY.-Where boys flirts & passing bad comments to other girls, but can't see if a boy do this w/ his sister.-Where if you don't cheat on your partner, you are not sharp & smart.-Where bathrooms has become photo studio.-Where getting an iPhone is greater than achieving B.Tech or B.S Degree.-Where temples are turned into dating points.-Where worshipping God is difficult.-Where lies are turned into realities.-Where ladies fear pregnancy than HIV.-Where pizza delivery is faster than emergency response.-Where people fear thieves, robbers, terrorist than they fear God.-Where people go to Temple/Masjid/Church w/ phone & charger than Bhagwad Gita/Kuran/Bible.-Where outlook & clothes decides the value of person.-Where money is more important than family & friends.-Where children are ready to leave their family for their love.-Where guys are scared of getting married but love to have sex.-Where love is a game. The one who plays it w/ mind always get happiness & whoever plays it w/ heart always get hurt.-Where marriage become an old fashion stuff, where couples doesn't care anymore about the true essence of marriage.