March- Fire Prevention Month

in safety •  7 years ago 

'Fire Destruction is one man's job, Fire Prevention is everybody's job.


Presidential Proclamation No. 115–A as declared to be the official observation of Fire Prevention Month during the month of March is promoted to provide education and awareness to lessen the incidence of fire in the Philippines. The Philippine Summer can cause about 9,000 – 10,000 fire incidents nationwide. All types of households can fall victim, 3M provides the tips on prevention as acknowledged by experts on the field. It is promoted because of the alarming increase of fire incidents happening across the country during this particular period.


The Bureau of Fire Protection, as the government agency mandated to prevent and suppress all kinds of destructive fires, investigate its causes, enforce fire-related laws and provide emergency medical and rescue services, shall anchor all the activities for the Fire Prevention Month towards fire safety at home by introducing innovative programs and activities leading towards motivating the public to take fire safety as everyone’s concern.

''Ligtas na Pilipinas ang ating hangad, pag-iingat sa sunog ay sa sarili ipatupad''

This year’s Fire Prevention Month theme is “Ligtas na Pilipinas ang ating hangad, pag-iingat sa sunog ay sa sarili ipatupad” is an encouragement that every Filipino must be responsible in keeping a fire-safe environment.

We should practice ourselves with these tips and measures, so we can assure that we are fire-free.



  • Install a smoke alarm on every level. Change the batteries at least once a year. Better yet, grab a pack of whatever batteries your smoke alarm requires at a warehouse store like Costco or Sam’s Club. Therefore, when they beep to be changed, your default reaction isn’t to take out the battery but to replace the battery.

  • Keep anything that’s flammable away from stove, including pot holders, drapes, paper towels and kitchen towels.

  • Keep clutter away from your heater or furnace. For example, never store newspapers or family photos around a furnace. One loose spark could start a large fire in minutes.

  • The number one causes of fire are clothes dryers. The # 1 way to prevent fires starting is to clean the lint trap after every use.

  • Install carbon monoxide detectors throughout home, especially in bedrooms. Carbon monoxide is odorless and colorless, and very combustible.

  • Any outdoor cooking such as grilling or deep frying should be done at least ten feet from the house.

  • Hide any matches and lighters away from children.

  • Never overload an extension cord or outlet. In addition, make sure all cords don’t contain any frayed wiring.

  • Turn space heaters off when leaving the room or going to bed

  • Always blow candles out. And never use a candle on a Christmas tree. Very few things burn faster.

Top Hot Home Fire Prevention Tips and Measures.


  1. Regularly clean the house by removing the accumulation of dried leaves, wood shavings and litter in all parts of the house, these items can act as “fire fuel”. The mix of heat fuel and oxygen make it possible to create fire. Temperatures of these “fire fuel” via the summer heat can reach a certain critical point where ignition is possible to start dangerous household fires.

  2. Give extra attention to oil, native lamps, and other combustible decorations and materials in the house. They should be placed away from curtains and other objects that easily catch fire. Do not put them where the wind, children, cats and other moving beings may topple them. Put them out before going to bed.

  3. Observe what your children are playing with during this Summer break, be in high alert this season for children playing with combustible items such as matches inside your house. The spread of fire is faster so react quickly!

  4. Regularly check your home electrical installations by a licensed electrician. Have frayed wiring and electrical fixtures repaired to ensure that the recommended solution and brands are used, especially during seasons of fire prevention (Which is summer and Christmas season).

  5. Do not overload your electrical circuits, turn off electrical appliances that aren't necessary to be used. Overheating of electrical circuits causes the insulation to melt leading to seasonal house fires.

As an individual and a part of the society, I myself wanted to share this blog to the Philippine community. It is to remind my fellow Filipinos that this month has the highest statistics in fire cases in Philippines. Preventing is the first task as an individual participating in this government program, giving ourselves knowledge of disciplining and practicing the proper ways on preventing a fire.


Now that we already know the tips, methods and measures on preventing a fire. I will share a knowledge on what to do BEFORE, DURING and AFTER a fire. Perhaps the tips, methods and measures above were a part of what to do BEFORE a fire accident.



You should create and practice a fire escape plan. During a fire, every second counts, escape plans help you get to safety quickly. You should practice your escape routes at least twice a year and they should include two ways to get out of a room. Purchasing collapsible ladders which can be used as an escape from higher elevations such as a second story window, can aide as alternative escape routes. Checking windows and doors to ensure the screens can be removed quickly, and that security bars and windows themselves can be properly opened. Never use an elevator during a fire! Also be sure to test all alarm and detection systems regularly, it significantly increases your chances of surviving a fire.


Staying low to the ground while proceeding to the nearest exit by crawling is essential. Don’t open doors that are hot to the touch, but if you do open a door, do it slowly. STOP, DROP, & ROLL immediately if any part of your clothing catches fire. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to make an attempt to leave as soon as the alarm goes off. Any hesitating on exiting the building can be dangerous. Immediately upon exiting, CALL 9-1-1! If you can’t exit, stay low to the ground close the nearest door, use cloth or tape to cover any vents and cracks along the door to keep smoke out, call 9-1-1, and signal for help with a cloth or flashlight at a window.


The First priority should always be the safety of your family, co-workers, employees, etc, then you can assess the damage. If you are in need of temporary housing, medicine, or food contact your local disaster relief service, such as The Red Cross. Check with your fire department to ensure your home or business is safe to enter. Try to locate valuable documents and records and don’t throw away any damaged goods until after an inventory is created. You should save all receipts for any costs you incur related to the fire, they may be needed by the insurance company or for your losses that may be claimed on your income tax. (Check with an accountant or the Internal Revenue Service for special benefits regarding people recovering from fire loss.)

Fire can happen in any second. Let us remember these tips, measures, methods so that we are conscious and ready if ever fire happens .

'It's always Better to be Safety Conscious.'


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This is very informative and helpful article. Thank you for sharing this one @carlitojoshua!

Thank you😁

Nice post @carlitojoshua...

Thanks 👍

Great and informative post @carlitojoshua . :) Keep up the good work dong . ;)

Thank you for resteeming😍😄😁

this is helpful and brings awareness to the community👌👌👌
