The Momo Challenge. Parents, be informed.

in safety •  6 years ago 

A couple days ago, my husband sent me a link from a news site that warned parents about this Momo challenge. As alarming as it is, I shared it with as many people as I know to bring awareness to this horrible ....thing.
Some of the people told me they new about it from last summer, but this is not old news. It's come back, making its rounds and now one little girl has died from the dreadful so called hoax.

Well I have one question for you. If you think it is a hoax, what about this little girl that died in Argentina? If it is so fake, ask your kids, or kids that you know. This thing is well know amongst the children.

What is Momo you may ask?

It's one creepy Motherf**ker, is what that is.

A character with big eyes, a creepy smile and of all things... it has chicken feet. Might sound funny, till you look at it.

I want this post to be taken seriously. It needs to be for the sake of our children, so in the following, I will share some links to further explain everything.

Some sick and demented person or persons came up with a twisted idea to take a child's online video ro game and challenge them to doing harmful tasks. If they don't do the tasks, or if they tell their parents, something very bad will happen. So let's have a closer look at that.

Before diving into links, I want you to know that this Momo challenge takes effect all over the world. World Wide Web, world wide effect.

So this is from October 2018. They talk about what it is, what it does, even explains that it comes in waves. (That wave is back).
A woman in the video even says that it scares her and she is an adult. The thing that scares me the most about this challenge is what it is doing to our children. The video shortly talks about one suicide linked to the challenge, unfortunately. Link on that to come later.

I found this video earlier. A young man talking about the momo challenge actually shows some very important parts that I wanted to show in this post. It's all in this one video. It took me some time to find it as so many videos try to prove that it's a hoax. This one video shows the Peppa Pig video that it's in, shows that it is in the Minecraft game as well. It is worth watching this one. This man sends the proper message.

@rebeccabe sent me a link while chatting away in Discord on what she found.

This link comes from a Britain media. (I am from Canada, so here is your proof that it is all over the world.)

Ok, a change of things here. I was talking with a good friend and realized shortly after what I was doing unintentionally. I will explain.

The more I dig in to this, the more I research, the more I feed in the fear and in the very systems that these things are created to do. I didn't realize that this is what I was doing, as I was doing the research to actually be more informed, more aware and to bring this awareness to light. Afterall, if I don't know about it, that could very well mean that there are others out there that may not know.

The thing is, I worried and worry what this Momo challenge is doing to our kids. That poor girl died from it. It's dead serious and scary. True. But the real issue lies behind what is actually happening and I fell for it.

I was naive thinking that what my kids are watching were safe videos. Never did I think that there would be an issue like this. Bad things being shown inside little kids videos.
The way to think about this, for myself, is there are bad things all over. Child abduction, child trafficking, disappearances and it is easy to forget some things because we are easily blinded by other things that occupy our minds. Like watching silly Fail videos, makeup videos, fashion, facebook, stupid trolling arguments, this and that while the truth remains hidden.

This challenge just made me away what I am actually not doing enough. I thought that I was keeping my kids safe by making sure of what they are watching online, that they dont play online games through xbox live, but not letting them have a facebook account and other chatting forums. The error in there is letting them go online. On the internet.
A Think that was created to be used as a tool, has grown massively bringing in more than we can think, including ways of violence, sex, abuse in every corner. And we are letting our so very young kids be a part of that.

So, I have informed you of what is going on. I have informed you to be aware of what is happening and I leave you the choice to decide how to react to this. I think it is important to talk to our children about these things, not in a manner of fear, but in a way that they can properly react to these things instead of hiding in fear. I cannot tell you to keep your kids away from the internet as it is become more and more impossible to do that while we are implanted in these systems. But I can say for myself that while they are home, they will be spending more time away from this leading event, away from this thing that leads are life.

You make the choice of how you live your life and raise your kids. Make it a life worth living and telling about. Make it less about the internet and the fears it brings. 💖


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I was talking to my niece about this and she said that most of the kids in school was curious about it and got it but was so freaked by it that they stopped using it.

It sounds cliche but I told her so if they were curious about how it would feel to jump off a cliff you would do it to because you didn't want to be left out.

In today's society we simply don't want to have that feeling of being left out. We want to belong and have the same experiences as our peers and so she said she didn't have a choice but to play it as well.

It's sad that teen peer pressure is still strong, no actually stronger these days.

Hope you are doing well foxy.

Maverickinvictus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are back :D I am happy to see you <3 Highlight of my day!

Although it saddens me that your niece knows about it too. The fact that it has gotten so viral, the pain, the hurt and the fear it has brought on is sickening.

I agree with you, it is stronger today. This fake importance to be alike. What happened to that phase where we were empowering one another for who they are and that it is beautiful to be different?

Society is a scary place and I wouldn't want to be a kid today. But I have kids myself that are living in this horror of a world. Talking to them, teaching them and showing them all that is beautiful in every corner, be it nature, people, animals, the sky. Teach them what truly is important and hope that it is enough.

I am doing well my friend and I hope you are too. I've missed you and kept you in my thoughts from time to time hoping to see you again.

Take care and I hope to talk to you again soon :)

It looks exactly like something what a twisted genius would do...scares, threatens, misguides, causes chaos and watches the world burn while standing from afar. There are like ten million scary things that can go deep into my brain, but this is the one that does it most effectively. A brilliantly twisted evil piece of creation that deserves its place in the deepest level of hell (or whatever bad place you know).

Soon we will reach a state in which every child has to learn about the internet, and only education can help with the situation. Learning Java in primary or secondary schools? Scratch that, they got the priorities wrong. Teens and children should be educated on how to identify threats on the internet and know how to react to them properly, what's the freakin' use of gaining good academic skill when they don't know what's correct to do against something as evil as Momo?

The challenge is a pretty brutal sign to show us about what could possibly happen in the future. Remember that VRchat and similar applications are also getting more and more common, it will only be more and more challenging to handle crap like these...time will tell, I guess.

I couldn't have said it better!

Education is the only way really. Not just the children but the parents as well. Not all know about the dangers of the internet and even though some may know it, most, sometimes we don't know how bad it can be, just like this Momo crap.
Especially in more isolated towns. We still have the internet but there is much less talk of what goes on in the world. I can say what really upset me with this is, when I spread the word to the people around me, they knew about it already and never gave it a though to spread the word. Those people are my friends and never told me. That kind of hurts. My son knew about it before I did, before I had the knowledge of how bad things can get. But it is life. People expect everyone knows.

The damage it does gets implanted in our kids brains. Time to change our ways of letting our kids have a free for all on the internet. As you said, time will tell.

It's a big thing in ireland at the moment too. There is a lot of talk about it and a lot of the kids have seen it.

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It's like a silent killer, mass murderer if it was ever able to slip out to be that bad. I hope the kids become more smart with it to stay away. So many kids and teens do these dumb challenges. Just like the Tide Pod challenge where they eat the pods. Stop bringing up these harmful challenges people. :( :(

We literally just had a talk with our kids about this. It’s distirbing and sickening that these types of things go on to scare and try to harm our children. We are very strict (our kids are so young) on what they watch and they never watch YouTube unless we are present. Most of the games they play are through the game systems we have in our home instead of online.

We actually showed our kids the picture. We’d rather them see it with us, learn how bad it is from us instead of being tricked into seeing it elsewhere. They now know if they see this picture or hear the name how dangerous it is.

Thanks for spreading the awareness.

It is important to teach them not to be afraid of it. Learn the importance of what we must do incase something like this pops up and all that. You did amazing by your children with this. Bravo! I am glad people are getting the message and informing their children properly. I bow down to all you fine mamas!

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Thank you so much! Very much appreciated! It helps to so much to spread the word and get as much eyes on it as possible.

Until this morning I had never heard of this
And because I was typing #mom on Twitter and the four suggestions that popped up were all about Momo
So I asked the kids and they started telling me about it and also BlueWhale
And now I see this
It is scary for the really young and the teens who might have some secret compromised...
Thank you for sharing this
The kids seem to think it is ridiculous that anyone would follow through crazy stuff but unless it actually happens... one never knows how one would process it

You are welcome. I am glad you got more informed. That is my goal.

Younger kids would process those things in a whole new level and then grow up with that memory. Teens get that funny way of thinking that it's just funny to do these challenges and would feel like they have to do it because so and so did it. How bad can it be? All those challenges out there are mostly teens and young adults doing them. A lot of them are harmful, if not all.

I'm glad your kids think it is ridiculous to follow but some do still do it. Those that do will have to fight within themselves later on for the violence and mind manipulation they were dealt with. This saddens me quite a bit.

Hopefully with awareness, something can be done

Just generally, I always talk about peer pressure to the kids and hope it makes sense
Even when my girl was watching 13 reasons why, I explained how precious life is and there's nothing that's so bad that you need to end it... that was a long one over many days, subtle (I hope hahaha) so it doesn't sound like a lecture.

It is hard to make it not sound like a lecture or like the kids are being interrogated. There are so many questions I want to ask my kids that I can be more informed in their life when they are away at school. The don't tell me much. I was hoping it would be natural for them to talk about things but they don't. I feel like I am lacking skills when it comes to that.

I have never seen 13 Reasons Why. But by the sounds of it, you did a good job explaining what needed to be said ina great manner. Good job mama!

I think it is also partly them
The girl loves regaling me with everything and anything
She even tells me of her friends s*x adventures... and I can tell you in my head I'm like freaking out but I try to keep my cool so she doesn't get scared and never open up to me ever again hahaha
The boys most times keep things to themselves... and once in a blue moon might blurt out something...

13 reasons why is about this girl committing suicide and leaving tapes to explain why she did it
And many parents were concerned it romanticised suicide...

I have my days, and then there are days I know I could have done a better job
I'm sure we all go through that :D

Ya my son keeps a lot to himself and so does my husband. They are the same in those ways. My daughter does say a few things but tends to leave out some certain things she does. It's funny sometimes.

Oh that movie/show seems rough. I bet many emotions surfaced from that.

We all do go through that wave of uncertainty. We do as we can :)

I saw this in the news the other day... I think something similar happened earlier last year as well... and with the spike in reporting came a spike in people uploading crappy videos to YouTube. I generally don't let my kids watch YouTube anyway, but it is a pretty poor joke...

Exactly. I think the other might be blue whale or something? It should be enough for people to rethink their habits with letting kids use so much internet.

People are so jacked up. Things like this are epitome of what’s wrong with humanity these days. The internet is everywhere and kids are way more skilled at finding this crap than we will ever be. Thanks for the info @foxyspirit. It’s a damn shame that lives of children have to be lost for something like this to catch people’s attention and stop it. Evil doers everywhere smh.

I agree with you. The more I see the more I have a loss of words that can be positive when it comes to how the world is today. People like you make it easier to think that there is hope.

One of the problems I had a hard time with is tracking down the orignal videos to see it for myself. I couldn't find it at all which makes it easier for people to believe it's a hoax. But the evidence is there, proving that it is harmful.

You’re a doll. I don’t know what it’s like to raise kids but it’s got to be tough. I guess parents have to be even more diligent with the internet posing threats too. Kids are so smart, and resilient so hopefully this will pass and we all can learn from it. I don’t know why people are so flicked up though. I mean, I have my ideas but seriously, they are frikken kids. Thanks for putting it out there @foxyspirit.

I just saw another video and I am wondering if I should put it up in this post.... It's another youtube video of a girl playing with one of her toys, then it jumps to Momo. Momo asks the kids to do her a favor. Basically to find a sharp object and slit their wrists. She tells them how to do it.
Most of the comments here tell me that it is not needed but there are still some that are not taking this Momo challenge serious enough..... I dunno.... I kind of don't want to because of the 'how to' part... :(

Do whatever you feel is right. As a person looking in on this who doesn’t have kids, this ish is ridiculous and stupid. I do not envy your parenting job in matters like these.

I hadn't heard of this before the chat in the #powerhousecreatives Discord yesterday but that doll looks menacing and it seems to be some sort of real life version of Jigsaw (from the Saw movies).

It's important for parents to be in the know about what goes on in the digital world rather than just "hand over a tablet" to a kid because they absorb EVERYTHING and they start absorbing the wrong things... it's bad news.

Thanks for the warning meuf

You totally get it. I am thankful that you do.

The sad thing is, Momo, was made for something completely different. A Japanese character for one of their legends i think? (I could be wrong, I haven't looked into it much I admit.) I know that it's name is Mother Bird and is put in a museum. Some sicko decided to take advantage of it and twisted it to some sick and evil use, violence towards our kids :(

You are welcome for the warning. It is the least I could do.

Thanks for the mention @foxyspirit I was hoping one of the Mothers in our discord group would post on this. I have viewed a picture somewhere on the web this Momo image, in the past. Scary to say the least.

Then when I saw the chat with parents in discord I thought what about the parents that don't take this seriously, they will want to know to talk to their children.

There is always someone on the internet going after the minds of innocent children. I find it all very creepy and ask everyone to let their families know hoax or not talk to your children and keep them safe.

Better safe than sorry!

Well said! xxx

It's no worse than much other stuff that comes out these days to scare the living pants off you and yours...

True that. It just adds to the list of things we need to know about to properly teach our children of the many dangers our there.

wow, this is so crazy! I didn't know about this momo thing, damn it's creepy! I really appreciate your reflection in the end, to not feed in the fear! Thank you so much for that reminder!
It's valuable to know what's going on, though it can also really mess with your mind to dig too deep into these things...!

Thank you for this comment! You see it the way I see it. The way it should be seen. If you know about it, learn about it, gain the knowledge, then we can start to fix it.

Hey @foxyspirit this is horrible indeed. I saw his a couple of days ago before reading your post and even as an adult I was afraid. Can't imagine what it does to the mind of young children. I agree that more awareness, intentional parenting and time with our children can overcome this. The Internet can do both good and bad!

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I am glad you think so. And yes it can be good but just as much bad or worse even. It's too easy to access it, that's what bugs me too.

Nowadays kids can easily watch videos from Youtube by themselves, parents who are not paying any attention to their kids will definitely miss out knowing whether their kids are being poisoned by this. Too scary, why is there people doing this??!!

There are too many children that are .... searching for my words... they are pushed towards the internet. Schools push for the kids to learn about it but are not taught of the dangers. It is working backwards.
It is a sick place to be in.

So strange, as I posted about kids and the value of teaching them to overcome today! I hope this rubbish never strikes South Africa.
Thank you for giving mr a heads up on it here!

You are welcome. It has it parts of Africa. @jaynie is from there and has talked to her son about it and he knows. It literally is everywhere. Internet is a place to supervise when it comes to kids

@foxyspirit please forgive as I only saw your reply now. I will certainly spread the news. Thank you.

No worries! I am glad that you are part of helping people become more aware. Its the best thing we can do :)

I don't see why any parent nowadays will allow his/her child to get involved in such an evil scheme like this that will benefit the kids nothing. This is pure evil in plane sight..

It is not so much in plane sight. It's hidden in innocent childrens videos. Those little minds are manipulated into thinking that if they tell someone about it, someone they love will die. So it's mostly likely took quite some time to surface. It finally did thankfully. I don't think any parent want their child to get involved in something like this but ignoring it and doing nothing about it is enabling it.
Pure evil it is indeed.

That creature seems very demonic. Killing our children

It can harm our children, that is why I wanted to bring in the awareness. It is us that let our kids watch videos on the internet and play online games, places where we may think that is ok and safe are actually not. This is where we make the decisions to continue as such or cut the line, make the break and stop it from happening in our children's lives.

True. Thanks for the awareness

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

There have been articles in my mummy circles talking about YouTube and kids videos having suicide messages spliced inside.. must be similar or even the same.. I’m too scared to watch it, her face is like a ghost.. kids are impressionable and easily pressured - I know I was
By for me I feared death and pain so maybe I wouldn’t go to the extent. Still though these days when I see something sharp I think about what it can do and how dangerous they are. Imagine kids with those thoughts and being prompted by these things 😣😣

There is Momo and also blue whale going around. Momo released another video, a how to suicide video... I would suggest to watch and be informed as much as you can so that you can teach your children about it. Teaching them that it is harmful and what to do in this case, telling them that no harm can be done even though it seems like it. The more we teach them, the less these things take effect.

I watched the YouTube analysis one by the Evan Lam. That was informative. And when it got to the nursery rhyme video I had to turn the volume down because my toddler was interested!

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See how insane it works? It grabs the kids to the things they are most interested in. They can't turn away almost.