One of the requirements of Muslim clothing is syar'i clothing is not jewelry. In this condition is the word of God which means, "And let them not show their jewelry, except that (is) visible from it." (Surat an Nur: 31). By its general edict this verse includes a prohibition on the use of outer clothing if the clothing is "jewelery" that appeals to the male view.
عن فضالة بن عبيد عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال ثلاثة لا تسأل عنهم رجل فارق الجماعة وعصى إمامه ومات عاصيا وأمة أو عبد أبق فمات وامرأة غاب عنها زوجها قد كفاها مؤنة الدنيا فتبرجت بعده فلا تسأل عنهم
From Fadhalah bin Ubaid, from the Prophet he said, "Three kinds of people you do not need to ask (because they are the ones who perish). The first is the one who abandoned the congregation of the Muslims led by a Muslim who has a legitimate power and chooses to disobey the ruler so that he dies in a lawless state to his ruler. The second is a male or female slave who fled from his master and died under such circumstances. The third is a woman left by her husband when her husband has fulfilled all his worldly needs and he bertabarruj after the departure of the husband. Do not ever ask about them. "(HR Ahmad no 22817 etc, shahih. See Fiqh Sunnah lin Nisa ', p. 387)
While the tabarruj was defined by the 'ulama' with a woman who revealed "jewelry" and its appeal and everything that must be covered because it could arouse the lust of a normal man.
In addition, the purpose of the veiled command is to cover everything that becomes a woman's jewelry (read: attraction). So it is very strange if it turns out that clothing worn even a special attraction. So the clothing function is not running properly.
Yet the assumption of some multazimah women (who are committed to the rule of religion) that all clothing that is not black is "jewelry" is an inappropriate assumption by weighing two reasons.
First, the Prophet's words,
إن طيب الرجال ما خفي لونه وظهر ريحه, وطيب النساء ما ظهر لونه وخفي ريحه
"The fragrance of a man is not a clear color but it appears the smell of fragrant. While the fragrance of women is a clear color but the smell is not so visible. "(HR Baihaqi in Syu'abul Iman no.7564 etc., hasan See Fiqh Sunnah lin Nisa ', p.387)
This hadith suggests that the existence of a clear color is not something that is absolutely forbidden for a Muslim woman.
Secondly, the sahabiyah (female companions of the Prophet) may wear colored clothes other than black. The evidence for this is the following narrations:
عن عكرمة أن رفاعة طلق امرأته فتزوجها عبد الرحمن بن الزبير القرظي قالت عائشة وعليها خمار أخضر فشكت إليها وأرتها خضرة بجلدها فلما جاء رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم والنساء ينصر بعضهن بعضا قالت عائشة ما رأيت مثل ما يلقى المؤمنات لجلدها أشد خضرة من ثوبها
From Ikrimah, Rifa'ah divorced his wife who was later married by Abdurrahman bin az Zubair. Aisyah said, "The former rifa'ah wife has a green veil. The woman complained and showed her green skin. When Rasulullah arrived, Ayesha said, I have never seen such as experienced by this believer woman. His skin is greener than his clothing. "(Narrated by Bukhari 5377)
From Ummi Khalid bint Khalid, the Prophet received a gift in the form of a small black dress. The Prophet said, "What do you think I best give this dress to him?" The Companions were silent only a thousand words. He then said, "Bring here Ummi Khalid (a little girl chewed Ummi Khalid)" Ummi Khalid was brought before the Prophet while being held. The Prophet then took the clothes with his hands and then put them on Ummi Khalid while praying for him, "Durable, hopefully durable." The clothes have green or yellow stripes. The Prophet then said, "O Ummi khalid, this is a beautiful dress." (Narrated by Bukhari no 5823)