Conspire To Inspire: Chapter 8 - ZIG ZIGLAR

in sales •  9 years ago 

This post is part of my book Conspire To Inspire: Everything Is Awesome When You Are Part Of A Team

Michael Paine @strangerarray

Copyright © 2015 Michael Paine

All rights reserved.



Where to start with Zig?

I would have to say my earliest encounters with Zig Ziglar's work start with the work of another sales professional, Og Mandino. Funny how the two of these men go by an unusual nickname. Perhaps a marketing gimmick? Anyways I was reading Og Mandino's The Greatest Salesman in the World and came across the following: “Today I begin a new life. Today I shed my old skin, which hath, too long, suffered the bruises of failure and the wounds of mediocrity.”(Mandino, Og. The Greatest Salesman In The World.)

When reading The Greatest Salesman in the World there is a part in there that says, “I will read each scroll for thirty days in this prescribed manner, before I proceed to the next scroll.”(Mandino, Og. The Greatest Salesman In The World.) The manner is reading the short passage three times a day, once in the morning. Once midday after lunch. And a third time before going to sleep but this time read it out loud.

I seriously read the scrolls 3 times a day for 30 days each before moving on to the next one. I got through 7 or 8 of the 10 scrolls in the prescribed manner before my curiosity to finish the book got the better of me. Then I read to the end of the book and never read the last scrolls for 30 days each. My loss. So lesson: read the book all the way through one time first then go back and seriously read the scrolls 3 times a day for 30 days each. You will start saying them in your head and you will start living them in your life. You will be 10 times more awesome when you are done. Guaranteed.

Why all this talk about Og or what happened to Zig?

Well the deal is after my life started to change I realized I wanted to know more about selling. I went to the bookstore and found in the general business section a book Zig Ziglar's Secrets Of Closing The Sale. Now I don't know why exactly or how I came across this book specifically. Maybe I saw a Zig Ziglar quote in one of the many business classes I took in high school. But I do know this. As little as I knew about the sales process, I knew that without “closing” the sale you are just wasting time.

When I saw Zig's book all about “closing” the sale I was sold. On the back of the book he points out that: “Doctors, housewives, ministers, parents, teachers... everyone has to “sell” their ideas and themselves to be successful. This new guide by America's #1 professional in the art of persuasion focuses on the most essential part of the sale - how to make them say “Yes, I will!” ”(Ziglar, Zig. Zig Ziglar's Secrets Of Closing The Sale.)

This point rang true to me that everyone needs to be able to present themselves well and get others to say “yes”. I also admire Zig in his explanation that you cannot separate being a good salesman from being a good person. It is his, and my, belief that your personal character, integrity, and moral fiber that make you a good person are essential when it comes time to doing business.

Zig Ziglar's Secrets Of Closing The Sale is worth reading a minimum of one time.

In it you will find “over 700 questions that will open your eyes to new possibilities you may have overlooked”. (Ziglar, Zig. Zig Ziglar's Secrets Of Closing The Sale.) The best part is that Ziglar interweaves the teaching points into easy to remember stories that will give you a point of reference later when you are trying to recall what you read. This makes it easily digestible and more entertaining and meaningful than just copy points. Plus it demonstrates real world examples of how to apply what you are learning.

If you have spent any amount of time on the internet you are sure to have seen any number of Zig Ziglar quotes. If sharing them on social media is your thing, go for it. As for me, I wanted to highlight and discuss just a few of them I found in a Forbes article online by Kevin Kruse on Twitter @Kruse) entitled “Zig Ziglar: 10 Quotes That Can Change Your Life”. I found number 8 to be on point: “People often say motivation doesn’t last. Neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.” I find this funny. It would be great to get motivated once and then be done. But motivation is like a battery. You charge it up. Then you gotta find more power to get it full again. Hopefully this booklet has helped with that.

Also number 6: “People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.” This is important to remember any time you are dealing with human beings. People are great. But people do not always follow their head. Especially when it comes to money. It is their heart that wins. And this can be good. Next time there is a serious disaster pay attention to how many people suddenly have money to give away. They might rationally know the other people need help, but they are emotionally giving. And some charities exploit this. I recommend giving money. But I recommend using both love and logic. In fact there is a great series of books about using love and logic by Jim Fay and friends.

Speaking of friends. The last one I want to talk about is number 4: “If you go looking for a friend, you’re going to find they’re scarce. If you go out to be a friend, you’ll find them everywhere.” I should know. I always thought of myself as kinda weird. And I supposed others did too. I have spent a ton of time by myself. I am good at it now and enjoy it. But it was not always this way. In fact I grew up feeling left out and awkward and uncool.

Looking back I did always have some friends around. But I was never the type to have a core group. On the contrary I was more of the type of guy who could get along with any group. I had a good position to be a connector. Too bad I missed that opportunity in the past. But that can change in the future. I want to help connect people.

And I want to be your friend.

The problem is that when you read this I don’t know who you are. I used to work with young children at a playcare place. One day one of them said to me, “Do you want to be my friend?” Of course I said “yes”. But from that day forward I thought, “You know what? I wish adults were more simple and straight forward about this.” So if you could be so kind to drop me a comment or message me on Twitter @StrangerArray or any other method you know how, then we can start being friends. Because you never know who you will meet…

What is Zig up to now?

Well sadly he has departed us on earth. But his life work and motivational sales training lives on in legacy. His online presence,, is maintained by a business and personal training organization. I have not used any of their products nor am endorsing that you do. I don't think I have every talked to someone who has. If you have let me know about your experience. I am curious.


Because you never know who you are going to meet...


The guide to Conspire To Inspire: Everything Is Awesome When You Are Part Of A Team

*Introduction to Conspire To Inspire
*1 Bob Goff
*2 Mel Robbins
*3 Dale Carnegie
*4 Simon Sinek
*5 James Altucher
*6 Claudia Azula
*7 Stefan Sagmeister
*8 Zig Ziglar
*9 Theodore Roosevelt
*10 You
*Parting Words

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