How To Create - Your Own Sales Funnel

in salesfunnel •  5 years ago 

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It's Monday and quite nice weather but a lot colder than before.

How To Create - Your Own Sales Funnel

So this post is tied back to my video, CTPtalk For Steemians #9 - What Is A Sales Funnel?, and here I will go into a lot more detail on how you can create your own sales funnel.

It is also a continuation of my previous posts.

  1. How To Write - Your Very Own Lead Magnet?
  2. How To Write - Your Own Email Follow Up Series


This is all my own personal opinion, do your own research before investing, and seek legal counsel if uncertain.

Sales Funnel Architecture

So let's look at the architecture of your sales funnel, and starting from the sale, as an affiliate marketer you sell affiliate products and services by recommending them to the subscribers of your list, in your Email Follow Up Series and in your Lead Magnet, you get subscribers to your list through your TrafficWave Autoresponder signup form on your Lead Capture Page which you setup in ClickTrackProfit, and you get visitors to your LCP's from your Steem and CTPtalk blog, from social media links and from the Traffic Generation tools in CTP, and you track the performance of your traffic and your LCP's using Conversion Tracking by creating a tracking link in HitsConnect and including their conversion code in your Thank You page.

So therefore your sales funnel looks like this.

1. Visitors To Your Lead Capture Page

So the first part of the sales funnel is to get visitors to your LCP's, and it can come from a lot of different sources.

  1. You are talking about your list and Lead Magnet in your blog on Steem and CTPtalk, and/or you are linking to them from the footer of your blog posts, maybe with some nice graphics made in Canva (look below).
  2. You are linking to your LCP's and/or your blog posts from social media like Facebook, Twitter or CashJuice, and from a lot of other different places where you can share those links to get more visitors.
  3. You are using the Traffic Generation tools in CTP to drive visitors to your LCP's, and using the training in CTP to make them work for you.

This will get you visitors to your Lead Capture Page, and that brings us to step two.

2. Subscribers To Your List

The second part is to actually get people so sign up to your list, and to do that you need to have something to offer to your potential subscribers.

  1. You create a Lead Magnet to attract people to subscribe to your list, like an ebook, a video, an email course, an email and video series, etc.
  2. You create an Email Follow Up Series to complement your Lead Magnet, or maybe to be the Lead Magnet.
  3. You setup your Email Follow Up Series in your Autoresponder, so that it goes out automatically to your subscribers on a predetermined schedule.
  4. You create a Lead Capture Page in CTP and use the training inside to set it up and to include the signup form from your Autoresponder.
  5. You setup your Conversion Tracking to track the performance of your traffic and LCP's, and you do that by including the conversion code to your tracking link in your Thank You page.
  6. The Thank You page is the one that your subscribers are taken to after they have confirmed their subscription, and you can use one of your LCP's to create this, or you can make a specific blog post and just include the relevant conversion code, and then set your Autoresponder to direct your subscribers to that page after confirmation.

This will get you subscribers to your list from your visitors, and that brings us to step three.

3. Sales Of Affiliate Products And Services

So as an affiliate marketer you are recommending affiliate products and services to the subscribers of your list, and maybe also on your blog, and when they buy something you earn a commission on that sale.

To make it a bit easier to understand the different levels that you should focus on depending on where you currently are in your affiliate marketing journey I have made a list with levels for that.

Level 0

  • So on Level Zero you are not yet earning any money, or very little, and you are either unable or unwilling to spend any money from your own pocket, but you still want to build your email list, and there are tools for this that you can use until you have the cashflow to support using professional tools, and I have included them in my free ebook, Build Your List For Free, and you can also rebrand that with your own affiliate links and give it away to anyone you want, plus it's also a good idea to earn money by making blog posts and videos on Steem and CTPtalk, and the email follow up series for that ebook is also talking about that.

Level 1

  • So on Level One you have the funds to invest in using real professional tools to build your email list, either from your own pocket or from the cashflow you generate from Level Zero, and you are using your list to promote the same tools that you are using, and you continue doing that to first break even on their own cost and then to make a profit, and these tools are.
  1. Autoresponder - TrafficWave
  2. Lead Capture Page + Training - ClickTrackProfit
  3. Conversion Tracking - HitsConnect

Level 2

  • So on Level Two you are using your listbuilding tools to recommend a lot of different affliliate products and services, it can be anything from promoting the sale of an ebook that someone else has made to promoting lawn mowers on Amazon, or you could even take advantage of some of the affiliate programs on the Steem blockchain, like Actifit for example, and start earning commisions for the sales that you are generating.

Level 3

  • So on Level Three you are reversing the roles by selling your own produts and services and running an affiliate program to promote them, and where other affiliates can earn commssions of the sales they generate for your products and services.

These are the basic levels that you want to climb, and it should give you a hint at where you are now, and where you want to go next in your affiliate marketing journey.

So this is where you get sales and earn commissions from those sales, and it's the final step of your sales funnel.

Thank You!

Thank you very much for reading this post, and I hope it will be of great help to you on your journey as an affiliate marketer, I know it might be a bit technical here, but take it slow and learn each of these steps and do use the training videos in ClickTrackProfit to understand it all, Jon and Blain are very good at explaining them, and ...

Stay Awesome!

Erik Gustafsson

Do your own research before investing.

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Graphics made in Canva

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Another awesome post Erik, this one intended for the beginner to the advanced affiliate marketer.

I love that you include a thank-you page, as that simple gesture reassures subscribers that they've made the right decision to join your list. Also, by having your tracker located here avoids causing issue with anti-trackers like Facebook and Instagram, and an increasing number of other sites.

Thanks @ianballantine, I am glad you find it helpful, keep up your great work and stay awesome.

Hello @flaxz(, very interesting your publication, which details each step you must take to create the sales funnel

Thank you very much @celi130, I hope it helps get an overview of it all, stay awesome.

A very good and easy to follow explanation of a sales funnel.

Thank you very much @trafficinsider, I am glad you like it, have an awesome week ahead.

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