The male genitalia are an important part of the body that deserves the best attention.
For this reason, we bring you four important tips that you must follow to have a healthy penis.
Keeping your intimate parts in constant cleanliness is essential to enjoy good health.
Specialists in the field recommend that men wash with soap and water at least once a day.
In the same way, they must be careful not to alter the pH of the simple skin with which it is covered.
Then, retracts the foreskin very gently so you have the greatest possible contact with water.
After finishing the bath, dry it well to avoid infection caused by fungi.
2- Good feeding
If you feed yourself in a healthy way, you can help your penis, prevent diseases and increase the quality of spermjatozoids.
The pomegranate, sideburns, lentils and broccoli are four of the foods that will help you to eliminate and prevent any type of affections.
In the case of the pomegranate, it will help you combat erectile dysfunction and improve sexual life through the increase of semen in semen.
The high content of citrulline that has the pin, will be enough to relax the blood vessels,
Also, it will help with the increased production of nitric acid.
Which is an important gas to cause an erection.
Lentils are rich in folate, which reduces the rate of defective sperm by 30%.
Both tomato and broccoli increase the activity of lycopene, which is the substance capable of reducing the risk of prostate cancer.
3- Exercises
Performing any type of physical activity will be beneficial for the health of the penis, thus reducing the risk of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.
They also improve performance during sex.
In this sense, it is necessary that you have an active sexual life, otherwise, the muscle fiber will lose elasticity.
You must avoid at all costs all kinds of positions where acrobatic movements are performed, because there may be disorders for the penis.
4- Medical Care
Perform the relevant tests in the hands of medical specialists, will help increase the health of the penis.
Do not forget to apply the vaccine against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV) to avoid the appearance of genital warts.
You must also keep your cholesterol, sugar, high blood pressure and, of course, your weight controlled.
Visit the urologist regularly, in the same way, if you consider that the rate of erections has decreased, you should go to the specialist immediately.