The act of salvation in our view

in salvation •  3 years ago 

The act of salvation in our view includes two aspects:
The first: a negative aspect, which is (salvation from) such as: salvation from death, from suffering, from suffering, from fear, from disease, from misery, from slavery, from profession, from pain, from sin, from infinity, from time. etc.
The second aspect, positive, is (salvation by): salvation by faith, by sacrifice or redemption, by mysticism or ascendancy and by reluctance to submit to things, salvation by revolution, by dreaming, by science, by art. etc.
Devotion to art in the context of this study is one way in which man tries to find a way out of the humanitarian crisis and a solution to the human dilemma. But you see what the salvation is for? Is it salvation from the eternal enemy of man I mean death, or is it salvation from terrestrial suffering, is it salvation from human misery? Is it a salvation from slavery in its universal and political sense? Is it the salvation of suffering, the suffering of being in this world?
Indeed, the question about the nature of salvation by art is at the same time a question about the function of art, what is the function of art? Is the function of art pleasure and achieving sensory pleasure? Is it to achieve cleansing in the Aristotle sense? Is it a service of religious rites? Can art play an enlightening political role? Does art play its libertarian role in the real world or in the circle of consciousness? Can art fill the spiritual void of modern man? In other words, can art replace religion or become a religion of worship, cohesion and dialogue itself? What does salvation mean by art, and what does salvation mean: creative or recipient, or both?
The next line is an attempt to get closer to answering these questions...

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