Following the launch of Samsung Galaxy S9, Galaxy S9 Plus, the company has now slashed the prices for the Galaxy S8+ in India. The device has received a permanent price cut of Rs 12,000. The device will now be available for Rs 39,990.
The new price cut has been reported by a retailer, Mahesh Telecom. However, this offer seems limited to offline retail stores only. On online portals, such the Samsung Online Store, the device is priced at Rs 51,990 and on Amazon India; it is priced at Rs 45,999.
If you purchase the device via the company's online shop, you can get an instant cashback of Rs 4,000 along with a Rs 4,000 cashback with HDFC credit cards. You can also avail Rs 4000 off is you exchange your old device. This is only applicable on select models.
In terms of specifications, the Samsung Galaxy S8 features a 5.8-inch QHD+ display with a 1440x2960 pixels resolution. On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy S8+ sports a 6.2-inch QHD+ display with a 440x2960 pixels resolution. Both devices will be powered by Qualcomm's Snapdragon 835 SoC. They will be powered by an octa-core 10nm processor, paired with 4GB of RAM. It will come equipped with an internal storage of 64GB which can be further expanded up to 256GB via microSD card.
The Galaxy S8 and S8+ are equipped with an advanced 8MP F1.7 Smart autofocus front camera and 12MP F1.7 Dual Pixel rear camera for low-light, zoom and anti-blur photos with enhanced image processing. The Galaxy S8 and Galaxy S8+ are backed up by a 3000mAh and 3500mAh battery respectively.
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