"SANKOFA CONTEST"-Ihe ewu n'eche awughi ihe okuko na eche(an African, Nigerian Igbo adage).

in sankofa •  7 years ago  (edited)

Ihe ewu n'eche awughi ihe okuko na eche

What is the translation of this saying? It states, what goes through the brain of the goat is not quite the same as that which keeps running in the psyche of the chicken. The two creatures were utilized by me since this two creatures lives and survives differently. Goats eat grasses and it relies on smell to distinguish the grasses that are palatable, they chew cud meaning they can swallow down their food, store it and later when they are relaxed, they bring out the food and begin to chew it again gradually, they bring forth their young alive. Just to mention a few.


Also, on account of the chicken it's survival instinct differs, the chick eats grains and bugs so most times it needs to till the ground in search of food, the chicken depend on it's eyes to distinguish food, it lays egg and incubate them till they hatch. When the chick hatches, it starts to fight for it's self by chasing after the mother, there by being exposed to predators like hawks.


With the above clarification you can see that normally what runs through the psyche of a goat isn't the same with what goes through the brain of a chicken. So this now brings me to the meaning of my adage, it simples implies what I am pondering as a man varies from another individuals thinking.

How about we now apply it to people, as we all know, every individual has his or her own preferences, likes/dislikes, the way we choose to live our everyday life differs. While a few people lay down with light on, some prefer a dim room. A portion of people while working wants to get promoted, few need increase in their salary, some even need to leave their present employments for better occupation offers, others are jobless making an inquiry or two and applying for any sort of employment provided it can put food on the table. some are considering how to get married, while others are considering how to work out of a current one, a number of people are searching for partners, others are not financially balance to wed and start up their own family. While some are striving to making money, an amount of people are considering making it through a questionable means, other are taking a seat at a corner waiting for manner to fall from heaven. A number of individuals are educated, serveral others wish to be educated but no financial backings to do so, some don't see the need for education because at the end of the day the end result of every individual whether educated or not is to make money.

A person's mindset will make such individual think differently, act distinctively and fair differently from another person. That is the reason no two people can think alike even identical twins. Things that can influence one's mindset are background, experiences training and education . Not all mindset are directed towards the positive edge, some are negative mindset. Well I can go on and no but let me make a stop here. I trust with this I have been able to give detailed explanation about my adage? Thanks for reading.

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