My Entry - Burning Hearts - for the San Valentine Art Contest

in sanvalentineart •  7 years ago 

Original Fractal Art

My Entry - Burning Hearts - for the San Valentine Art Contest

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I created these hearts in JWildfire, a free and open source fractal editor. You can create different types of fractals, but mainly fractal flames are the main type being created by me.

  1. First I made the design with the editor by combining the different transforms which make it up. Transforms are the calculations that make up the fractal parts.
  2. Once the design was the way I wanted it to look, I wrapped it into a Heart shape. Hearts and Spheres are also transforms, but they can be used to contain a design made with other transforms. By using the Post-Transform setting, the single transforms which make the design are all made into one post-transform called the Heart or Sphere or whatever the calculations are, that is what it looks like when it's applied to all of the other transforms as a whole.
  3. I then made a new layer and copied the heart onto it. You can resize or change palettes on a copied layer, all of the original transforms are able to get editing. So I resized and changed the roll and the opacity of the copied layer, but could have continued to make more changes. Easy to go too far!

So, I hope you enjoy this art, feel free to use on your personal machine and mobile devices for wallpaper. Please don't claim ownership. Thanks.

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Please take a look at the original post by @steemotion.


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Oooh, hello, fancy meeting you here ;P ... How long have you been on Steemit?

Hey Jody! Glad you made it here, I have been posting here since June last year.