Spiritual Boss Lady

in sarcasm •  4 years ago 


So much has happened today in one sitting I don't even know where to start. Thanks, internet. And to my virtual life.

A random lady from the internet offered me this freelance gig. She was asking me to fix her WordPress website. I was almost willing to help her until I found out that she wants to be a spiritual boss lady. Okay, probably nothing wrong with that I suppose. I think I already tackled this lady boss topic in the past. Anyway, I wasn't really keen on taking the project due to low pay but I still went on to check it out. Just to see what interesting thing the internet has got me into.

She asked me to check these other websites which she claimed to be "her competitors". They have other interesting names like meditation queen, self-made multimillionaire woman, money coach, manifestation babe, and the like.

I checked the lady's about page and there I read "mindset and gratitude coach." She wrote that she used to struggle with paying the rent and now she is a "successful entrepreneur".

These days, anyone can claim to be a money coach without even having credentials or years of experience to back it up. Or worse, without even having money. I mean, who would fall for these? I can smell desperation from a distance.

You may judge me for judging, but yeah, I checked out her photo on her about page. With the quality of picture and all, she doesn't seem to be the successful boss lady she claims to be. I guess that was just what my instinct was telling me. And if she is really that successful, I am sure she has all the money in the world to hire a pro to do the job. And not just scour the internet for cheap labor.

Sure, to each his own. In these uncertain times, people have found creative ways to make money. I just find it funny. You know, making more money by pretending to have more money. Anyway, who am I to judge? She may be really wealthy that she needs to flaunt it to the world. Who knows?

But spiritual boss lady? Come on. Why does it have to be spiritual? Why people have to profit off uhmmmmm.

And hashtag boss lady? Putting lady in the hashtag is like qualifying the term. And what does qualifying mean? It means you are restricting or limiting something.

It's like admitting that there is really something special about being a lady boss. It's like acknowledging the weakness. Many women now are clinging to this label as their identity and trumpet it regularly.

I find these self-help and career websites marketed to women cringe-worthy. So in the end, I decided not to take the offer. I just find her shady. And I find it hard to trust someone who hasn't proven herself in the field of this self-help money coach or whatever you call it. Plus, I find it hard to enjoy something that goes against my standards.

So, I'm better off blogging for now. Because you know why? I am the spiritual lady boss here, ha!

Hey guys, I am just kidding. I am just a boss. The boss of my own life. And what makes me a great boss is not because of my gender, it's because of the trillion other things I can do.

I am so much more!

So much more than the spiritual boss lady. So, I am gonna pop back into my woman cave now. Good luck bosses! You guys.

img src: @unsplash

previously, previously, previously,

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