[Props to all the Hivers who urged me to write this post.]
It's the dependable "come rain or come shine, always happened in the past and always will" kind of things in life that graphically remind me that yes, the world is still spinnng and everything is fine.
Take for example the behavior of these Hivers: golemkp, adamnada, bestoffph and freethornanxiety.
Awhile back, they began to arbitrarily and in wolf pack fashion, downvote every single post I manage to upload onto the Hive.blog.
No sh*t. Really.
Without as much as a comment explaining why, an arcane cypher clue, a breadcrumb on the path or any other sign indicating true vertebrae status, the deed gets done; then swoosh, nothing is left except a slowly dissipating yellow-brown mist and a lingering stench of sulfur.
If you pause and really think about it, it's quite an impressive feat of tenacious futility; mainly because of the lopsided, negative cost vs. benefit of it all.
Ponder this.
Since they're doing this for free and on their own time, instead of getting the reaction they seek (i.e., anger, annoyance, indignance, etc.), I feel quite honored to be regarded with so much importance that it warrants the expenditure of precious life time and energy.
I'm touched. Really.
In fact, if they happen to be late or miss a day of collectively downvoting a post of mine, I get worried.
I wonder if something's wrong and hope they're ok.
Otherwise, those reliable, group ambush maneuvers on my posts - something I've grown so accustomed to - would abruptly end; leaving me with two mysteries instead of one: "Why did they start and why did they stop?"
(A question that's second in significance only to why Monads and tail recursion exists in FP coding. But I digress...)
If I could tell you how to get this same, royal treatment for yourself, believe me, I would.
But alas, it's still a complete mystery to me.
But don't fret.
There's always a chance you'll be the next lucky winner and begin receiving some of their special attentiveness too.
Like I said, "It's those dependable things in life..."
Submitted FYI.
May you and yours be well and loving life today.
In Lak'ech, JaiChai
(JaiChai 17 Jul 2022. Simultaneous multi-site submissions posted. All rights reserved.)