The benefiting nigari

in sari •  7 years ago 

Sea sari is a kind of animals that resemble like crabs, essentially from the sea, the habit of burning the sari of the sea to eat, And the shell can be used as wall decoration, Sari seawater aka nigari is multikhasiat. In addition to heart healthy, he also has seabrek other efficacy. For bone growth for example. In New Zealand, the government advises children ages 3-13 to consume seawater juice. In that kiwi country the growth of bones at that age is very slow. Well, calcium in nigari works with magnesium can play a role in the formation of bones and teeth.

Other benefits: salt waste is able to increase the quality of female beauty. Tatsuya Kosaka research to prove it. According to the director of the Nigari Institute of Research, magnesium in the juice of the seawater can burn fat and discharge useless fluids in the body. Naturally if in Japan, among young people, especially teenage girls, always carry the juice of the sea, "The point is to keep the body slim and avoid cholesterol despite eating anything," said Nelson.

Others, nigari can be used for facial cleansers. How: mix a drop of nigari in 100 ml of clean water. After that spray on the face. "Magnesium in nigari is able to slow the aging imageprocess so the skin is not easy to wrinkle," said Bambang. In addition, skin collagen can be repaired, so skin face more supple and tight.

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