Do you believe in the Sasquatch ? 🦶 🦶steemCreated with Sketch.

in sasquatch •  2 years ago 

My brother took this photo on his drive across Northern Ontario …

Supposedly there are Sasquatches up there ?

I thought they were only out in British Columbia. Have they started to migrate East ? Anyway … have you ever seen a Sasquatch ?


I found this photo of the Sasquatch on the Interwebs. This is kind of what I imagine the Sasquatch would look like.

What do you think ?



Bigfoot, also commonly referred to as Sasquatch (/ˈsæskwætʃ/ or /ˈsæskwɒtʃ/), is a large and hairy human-like mythical creature purported to inhabit forests in North America, particularly in the Pacific Northwest.
Enthusiasts of the subject have offered various forms of dubious evidence to prove Bigfoot's existence, including anecdotal claims of sightings, as well as alleged photographs, video and audio recordings, hair samples, and casts of large footprints. Most of this evidence has since been identified as hoaxes or misidentification, and the majority of scientists do not find any of the remaining evidence compelling.

Tales of wild, hair-covered humanoids exist throughout the world, and such creatures appear in the folklore of North America,[8] including the mythologies of indigenous people. Bigfoot is an enduring element of popular culture and an icon within the pseudoscience and subculture of cryptozoology.


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Upvoted! Thank you for supporting witness @jswit.

Yetis are just like the Loch Ness monster, either a myth or something that the government found, but never said it did. 🤷🏻‍♂️