in sassysteepshot •  7 years ago  (edited)


Finally I have decided to host my 1st Photography Contest.

I wanted to come up with the contest to help promote the Photography community in here and also to motivate People to use @steepshot more frequently. That's why I have chosen to host it on Steepshot.

It is an Open Category Contest so You can post Your favourite Photo with no restrictions.

How to Participate:

  1. Upload Your best photo using the @steepshot App or Website
  2. Use the hashtag #sassysteepshot
  3. Tag @sergiomendes on the Post
  4. Only ONE entry per person

The Prize:

The Winner:
I will be the judge and pick the winner. Disclaimer: I will pick my favourite photo in the whole bunch.

The contest will run until 17 of July 2018 and the Winner will be announced that same day.

If You would like to Support it and see more contests like this please leave Your Upvote and Resteem this Post. That way more People can join us and have fun. Also it will allow me to maybe give a bigger Prize on my next contest.

Last but not the least feel free to share the link to Your Entry in the comments below.

I am excited to see all Your photos. Good Luck Everyone.





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I love this idea - good luck Sergio !
too bad that you don't set the theme - during 7 days you will get unbelievable amount of the images entered to this contest just because of everybody can. :-)))))))))) you're going to work too hard :-))))))

I hope so. That was the idea. Get that photos out there. Show Your art no matter what it is. And make People to see the Power behind photography. Try to show the community we have a lot to bring to the table and that we have a lot to offer. But I get what You mean. In case this gets popular and People find about it. I think I will have a lot to scroll and a lot of pictures to see. :D But at the same time that is the exciting part. Will I see Your entry?? ehehehhe Thank You so much for the support :D

the meaning of theme is to make people thinking when they shoot and upload to the contest. so the quality of content is less snappy.
but in whole great idea ! i will post as well of course !

ehehheh Yeah I know that. But this first contest in my mind it is a little bit different. As I said it is more to promote the engagement between the photography community on Steepshot and if we can to make magic happen... just flood the internet with images uploaded on Steepshot to bring more attention to creators in here :D It is a fun contest not a professional one :D

Thank you for the information @victorbz

my pleasure ! thanks to Sergio for the wonderful idea and this contest hosting !

Thank You so much for jumping in :D it is so awesome to see people gathering together around the photography passion. Good Luck.

You just got yourself another Follower ;) I will join the contest!

Thank you so much. I am the same. Here and cant stop checking the hashtag to see when the photos start coming out :) thanks for the support :)

xD, Good Luck! I think people will start picking up on it!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you for Your entry and support. Good luck.

You are so welcome.
As steemian interaction with people can.bring goodwll to this platform

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Thank you so much for your entry

My pleasure sir

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Thank yoj for your support. It means a lot.

Awesome. Thanks. I am just worried cause the pictures are not appearing when I search for the hashtag grrrr that is weird 😫

yea I also noticed that ~ even several times before when ˋjust for fun´ I klicked on my specific hashtags they DID NOT show up in this category...! It’s indeed strange... at one point I suspected that when one uses MORE then five hastages the system automatically disabled some and only allowed five to function probably... ha...! Me and my ˋwild speculations´ :)

Yeah i was thinking the same.


Flying by to link my entry ~ I visit @steepshot almost every day so how nice that it is given more well-deserved attention :)

Thank You so much. Lets all have some fun with it eheheh

~ ✨✨ ~

You are too fast . Just discussing about a weekly contest and here it is . I would love to participate .
Resteem Done .Hope lots of users join this contest.

Ehehe yeah. Big coincidence. I have thought about it for a while but only now decided to go for ir :) thanks for the support and I am excited to see Your entry. Lets see if People join the fun eheheh

Hope your contest Goes High and High 💙

nice idea! good luck with this contest, dear)

Thank You so much :D I am just excited to see more photos :D Will You be participating?

think that yes, with great pleasure)
I will also watch the entries, really very interesting to see what people are going to show)

check! ;) Looking forward to all the entries ;)

Thank you so much for your entry. So happy to see more people joining :)

I really wisj it was just aa photo contest not necessarily on Steepshot @sergiomendes, I find Steepshot sucks alot on quality and doesn't do any justice to my image of choice. Thoughts?

I get what you mean. But steepshot it is a great app and it is still very new and in development so if we want it to grow and become bigger and get better we need to support the community there. Thats why i have decided to promote this contest using the steepshot platform. :)

Well Noted then. See you on the other side ;)

Well... it's done.
Good luck to everybody!