How Activate and Enable Repos via command line on Satellite 6.x

in satelite •  7 years ago  (edited)
  1. Connect to you server via ssh

ssh [email protected]

2.- Execute the hammer cli

hammer --username "username of satellite admin account" --password "password" shell

3.- Obtain List of Organizations
hammer> organization list

1Default_OrganizationDefault_OrganizationDefault_Organization Organization

4.- Upload manifest to Satellite 6.0

Generate a new manifest with the self-service Satellite Certificate generation tool and upload the manifest file to you Satellite 6.0
Now execute the following command for activate you manifest to Satellite 6.0 server

hammer>subscription upload --file /root/ --organization-id 1

Enable Repositories on Satellite 6.0

1.- Connect to you server via ssh

ssh [email protected]

2.- Execute the hammer cli

#hammer --username "username of satellite admin account" --password "password" shell

3.- Get product list

hammer> product list --organization-id 1

---|------------------------------------------------------------------- -|-------------------|--------------------------|--------------------|-----------
2 | Red Hat Software Collections for RHEL Server | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced
8 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Load Balancer for RHEL Server | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced
12 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced
5 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced

4.- Get repositories on the Product with the id

hammer>repository-set list --product-id 5

2024yumRed Hat Enterprise Linux 4 ES (Source RPMs)
861fileRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Server Beta (Source ISOs)
3535yumRed Hat Enterprise Linux 5 Server Beta - Optional Productivity Applications (Debug RPMs)
3025fileRed Hat Enterprise Linux 6 Server - Extras (Images)

5.- Enable Repository

repository-set enable --id 3025 --product-id 5 --organization-id 1 --releasever 6Server --basearch x86_64

id= is the repo that you want to add to Satellite 6.0
product-id = is the product where the repo is locate you can get that on point #3
organization-id= is the organization that we going to add the repo.
releasever= is the release product you want to obtain
basearch= is the architecture desire of the product x86_64 or i386

Synchronize repos

1.- Obtain List of Organizations

hammer> organization list

1Default_OrganizationDefault_OrganizationDefault_Organization Organization

2.- Get product list

hammer> product list --organization-id 1

---|------------------------------------------------------------------- -|-------------------|--------------------------|--------------------|-----------
2 | Red Hat Software Collections for RHEL Server | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced
8 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Load Balancer for RHEL Server | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced
12 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced
5 | Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server | | Default_Organization | 0 | not_synced

  1. -Get the repolist

hammer> repository list --organization-id 1

4Puppet MasterPuppet Modulespuppet
1Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 ServerRed Hat Enterprise Linux Serveryum

4.- Execute hammer command to start the synchonization of the repo

hammer>repository synchronize --async --id 1 --organization-id 1 --product-id 5

id=The repository you want to sync.
Organization-id = The id of the organization that you want to sync the repo.
Product-id= The product channel where the repo is going to be sync.

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