in satire •  6 years ago  (edited)

I guess most of you must have felt a bit the same.
No powering up or down.

No worries about what to post,
what to comment, curate and ... downvote.

FINALLY time to do some fun things.
Things that you normally wouldn't have time for.


Making that 'all are present'-family-portrait.

Cleaning the pool a bit

Buying that 'in-good-time-now-cheap' tree for Christmas

Taking my dog Dick for a long walk
(for obvious reasons we prefer to call him 'Watchoutforthebegonias')

Putting the last touches on that bench I made for my mother-in-law

Who we, btw, paid a visit

Oh yeah, not to forget: bought me some Steem (on sale)

And did ofcourse a ...

Am having 30K now.

See you Latex Suckkkkkerz.

sources: &


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nou .. gefeliciteerd!
ik ben net terug wist ik niet dat er een steemit storing geweest was :D

Dan heb je (ook) niks gemist. hahaha.

When did you reach 30K ffs. I’ll go bankrupt chasing you. I know it...

Btw, that bench is such a good idea. As a matter of fact I think I am gonna use that idea

Already before the HF's I had that 30K. Was trying to make a post when suddenly Steem bugged.

Just a tip: don't eat the cookies of your MIL if she has a mustache also ...

Ooft! Powering up like a mofo! That dog, lol!!

Yep. I count a bit on it that Steemvalue can only go up now.
Even if not the case yet, long term the current price is still very low.

Yeah good old Dick. Getting a lot of compliments about his nickname though.

I bet good old Dick likes being pet!?

Absolutely, he doesn't even mind rubbing the wrong way ...

I think in the long term we are sitting on a winner!!

Exactly the reason for my mofo powering up.

LOL, a good laugh a day will keep the doctor away. And if one still needs to see a doctor, at least one had that laugh a day.

(Are we at HF30 yet?)

It's been a while and this was the first one that came up.

Not yet 30, but getting close day by day, hahaha.

We're getting there! #HF30 for the win!

Nice classic rock song, it is a kind of a 'meezinger'. Catchy tune, something that sticks. "Doctor, doctor, please... Lalalala la la laaaa..."

It has been a very small hit if I remember well.

Is that Roseanne Barr as the mother-in-law?

Didn't even know she had a mustache

Ah I was in a constant loop going back and forth from twitter and and cussing at how boring my life is without steem lol.

Congrats on the power up. Cheers to greatness!

Did look quite a few times myself as well tbh.
Last night I gave up and watched a movie.
Before going to work in the morning I always take a quick look. This morning I didn't even bother.
Coming home I saw it was working again. Time for a post I said to myself.

Lol, great. I wasnt even bothered one bit, if I were new here, I might have been. Love this blockhain

Congratulations on the 30k sp.

Thanks man.


Thanks very much.

You are welcome

That sh*t was funny, thanks.

You're welcome. And I agree, it was indeed shit in fact, hahaha.
Just some 'smasssh-and-grab' pics to finally tell that I'd reached another milestone.

Congrats, think I'll stay friends with you a little longer :)

You better, hahaha.

Pretty interesting your photos, friend, @smassh, many success.

Thanks, succes to you too.

Two days away from steem was just like two years of loneliness

Was is that bad? Maybe you should take a dog ...