My Saturday View - Munich and Swans

in saturdayview •  8 years ago  (edited)

First contribution for Saturday View

Hi everyone - quite a new photography challenge by @luxurylifestyle - I missed to contribute to several challenges during the last weeks, hope to catch-up soon - this is my first try for this new challenge.

Swan babies mature

You may have seen my favourite lake I walk on the Weekend usually - you might have seen a Swan family with newborn little swans too - they grew up in the last weeks - hope you can spot them.

Sure you can guess what we did after watching Swans and bathing in the lake? You might be able to read about it later today.

Please do not forget to check some other (photography) challenges - here a small overview about the current daily / weekly ones.

MonochromeMonday - initiated by @old-guy-photos - check all posts here


TreeTuesday - initiated by @old-guy-photos - check all posts here


BeachWednesday - initiated by @uwelang - check all posts here


SunThursday - initiated by @uwelang - check all posts here


LoveFriday - initiated by @liliana.duarte - check all posts here


SaturdayView - initiated by @luxurylifestyle - check all posts here SaturdayView

BeerSaturday - initiated by @detlev - check all posts here BeerSaturday

BeautifulSunday - initiated by @ace108 - check all posts here BeautifulSunday

Colorchallenge (with daily color tags too) - initiated by @kalemandra - check all posts here ColorChallenge

MyPictureDay - initiated by @timsaid - check all posts here MyPictureDay

IntroduceYourHomeTown - initiated by @redtravels - check all posts here IntroduceYourHomeTown

Travelmap (weekly changing themes) - initiated by @lizanomadsoul - check all posts here Travelmap

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schoen :)

Great capture @uweland


A restful weekend to you

Thanks my friend, same for you!

Meistens merkst du erst dass du etwas liebst, wenn es weg ist.
So geht's mir wenn ich diese Bilder sehe. Irgendwie ist Deutschland schon malerisch. Tolle fotos, Uwe!

Ja das kenn ich, aber Du hast es bestimmt auch schön - kannst ja mal zu Besuch kommen :-)

That is a nice view. I was all day closed in a stoxk room. So thank you for bringing some colour to my day 😋

Thanks mate - always happy to show color to someone suffering from a stoxk room

Lolol see my brain is so fucked up that I can't even write properly lol

Guten Morgen mein lieber :)) habe deinen Beitrag erst jetzt gesehen. Gefällt mir wirklich sehr😃 resteemed

Sehr idyllisches Familienfoto von Familie Schwan. :)

Schöne Bilder Uwe! Ich hoffe du hast dein Badeerlebnis genossen und keinen Ärger mit den schönen Schwänen bekommen.

Krass zu sehen wie viele Challenges hier aktiv sind, hätte ich gar nicht gedacht. Von daher auch mal schön, so einen Überblick zu haben.

Wobei, ein wenig traurig bin ich auch, die schönen Bilder lassen mich nun schmachten :D Dir ein schönes Wochende! Cheers

Danke für die poetische Antwort - nicht traurig sein. Viele Challenges in der Tat, manchmal fast zuviel um den Überblick zu behalten

The lake is beautiful!
You are blessed with such a beautiful view!!
The swan babies are adorable!!

Hi Uwe - It's Sharon from fitinfun - I just got here and when I couldn't figure the place out I decided to look for my old tsuser friends. Luckily some are here like you. I figure that if I follow enough of my tsu friends the fog will clear and I will know what to do soon. Wish me luck and I will look out for your posts.

Hey Sharon, welcome here! Shout if you have questions

This is how long it took me to realize I had a ton of buried replies! The unseen do not jump to the top.

I'm doing good after 8 days and thrilled with the interaction. I'm all in for 30 days and then I'll see what I have. But so far - I'm very happy.

I think I need to re-post to the fb groups I see you in. I have a lot of fb connections to grab and get over here. This is like tsu though that people have to have content, so I am judicious with that. Cheers, Uwe. So nice to see you again :)

Danke für die gute Sammlung.
Da finde ich bestimmt auch noch eine challange für mich.

Aber gerne, viel Spass!

schöne Aussicht!! @uwelang

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing is a very nice view! I could sit there all day and watch the swans

wow it feels like a dream , so magical and serene @uwelang <3 <3 <3

Schöne Bilder super gut getroffen ;) Danke

Sehr schöne Bilder ..schönes Plätzchen

How beautiful, nice shots!

So beautiful

Hello brother. Beautiful photography and these images of nature beautiful and also impressed me this lake with birds very beautiful
( My brother please vote on my page for your vote great honor )

Beautiful view!

very beautiful


Sehr schöne Bilder.

Sehr schöne Bilder! Vielen Dank!