Katie Hopkins talks to Tommy Robinson about Muslim paedophile rape gangs, Islamization of UK, his recent free speech conviction, and what led up to it

Image from https://barenakedislam.com
I recently posted news about a petition towards the President of the U.S., asking everyone to please sign the petition (at: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/grant-tommy-robinson-asylum )
So many times I see people saying that if Tommy dies, they will do this or they will do that, all of it doubtlessly brave, but now that I have initiated a 'We are the People' Petition, giving everyone the opportunity to try and save Tommy, they scroll past and do nothing.
Please do not be one of them. This is your opportunity to TRY to save him - to save a human life. Please sign, all that is requested from you is your name and email (for them to validate you).
Even if you are a Brit, please sign also.
Here is the video. Tommy gives a lot of details....as for Katie, she is wonderful as always.