Save Arakan ,save Myanmar from Bangla terrorists attack

in save •  7 years ago 

😥 ထမင္းတလုုတ္ကိုု ခိုုးေၾကာင္ခိုုး၀ွက္စားေနရေသာ
နယ္ေျမလုဧည့္သည္အမ်ိဳးဖ်က္ ဘဂၤလီအၾကမ္းဖက္ရန္ ေရွာင္ေနရတဲ့ အိမ္ရွင္ရခုိင္ေသြးခ်င္း
ညီအစ္ကုိေမာင္ႏွမ ဒုုကၡသည္မ်ားးးး 😭 😭 😭

This is the real life of Myanmar Victim, they are having food in the forest while running for their lives in fear at Maung Daw. Myanmar people become Myanmar refugee in their own land after Rohingya Muslim Bangladeshi terrorists attack. Most of them were trapped in the forest while hiding.

#Myanmar #Refugee #reallife #RohingyaTerrorists #Maungdaw #SaveMyanmar #SaveRakhine #SaveArakan

💁 ဖားစည္ေျမမွဖုိးမွန္ႀကီး image image imageo image

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Good post

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