Some money/time saving travel Tips for You..

in save •  7 years ago 

Hey all my steemians,

Today I will just share some real simple tips that I thought were.. well.. worth sharing. =p


First is to get one of these. Sure, a couple of razor blades wrapped around some stripped lamp wires will also heat your water, but this way you can do it without burning the whole place down..


For a cost of about $8, this one pays for itself with just 2-3 cups of coffee or noodle soup, and you dont have to rush out to some diner or whatevers.


This one is a no brainer. Try and eat real local (as the locals eat, not meaning just anywhere around u) and I probably saved the cost of a meal, just by eating here.. ps. it was literally 3 inches away from my hostel and also the food was quite good. Total cost.. 80 cents usd. (free water all u want)




Have a good day all,


steemit achievers

steemgigs (server on discord - everyone is welcome, come chat and share..)

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great tips and so true. i m always using it here as well in the dominican republic.
Thanks for sharing your tips

:) nice..

That note though! Hahahaha! Do you understand the note sir?

:P not all.. but i thought its funny..

Hahaha yeah! It really is! Are you here in Ph?

yup. still in bacolod, but returning to quezon city soon.. :) wanna meetup at jollibee?? =p

OMG. Where in Quezon city?

Cool! Come with us on our next trip! We are also experts in finding cheap stuffs when we travel. lol

wow. ok. awesome. :) i will try and dm u and dan if my discord ever works right.. =p

nope. just tried. it gives me an error mssge. u try dm me.. tell dan, too. i am still in bacalod, but return to quezon city soon.. :)

Oh! Bacolod is quite near to us. A bit far but still near :). And yeah, discord is giving an error when we try to message you. :(

Credit is good but we need cash
Funny caption

How are you boss?

yea! =p im good. how u doin? discord isn't working for me lately.. :(