The 5 Best DIY Electricity Saving Hacks

in savemoney •  3 years ago 
  1. Reduce the temperature of your home at night.

Most of us sleep better when the house is a little cooler than we prefer when we're awake, but did you know that turning your thermostat down at night can actually save you money on your electric bill? It takes much less energy to cool the house at night because it is cooler outside. Most houses will remain cool all morning, and you will not need to turn on the air conditioner again until late afternoon.


  1. Replace Your AC Filter

The electrical furnace system in a home requires routine maintenance to function properly. If you don't change your furnace filters, you're not only exposing yourself and your family to dangerous allergens, but you're also risking damaging your heating and cooling system. For optimal performance, change filters at least once in the fall and once in the spring. A dirty filter will not run as efficiently, causing your system to work harder and consume more energy.


  1. Unplug it when not in use.

When was the last time you used your spare bedroom's DVD player? Or how about that extra TV in the basement? Americans waste at least $50 per year on plugged-in but unused electrical devices. Even if you aren't using something right now, it is still wasting energy by using standby power. To save money on your electric bill, remember to unplug anything you haven't used in at least a month!


  1. Throw in the Towel

That's right, when you do your next load of laundry, include a dry towel. A dry towel will help soak up the excess water that many washing machines leave in your clothes, reducing drying time significantly. Even if you have a gas dryer, you can reduce your electric bill. The less you use the dryer, the more money you save.


  1. Never use hot water in electric washing machines.

Aside from saving money on your electric bill, there are numerous other reasons to avoid washing your clothes in hot water. First, hot water shrinks your clothes and causes them to wear out faster. Second, the hot water in your washer does not reach a temperature high enough to kill germs. Your dryer will kill germs far more effectively than hot water in your washer. Finally, heating the water in your electric washing machine is one of the most wasteful uses of electricity and money in your home.


Save $975 per year on electricity with this no-brainer MIT discovery.

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