One of the easiest ways to save money on a monthly basis is to shop online. You can find great deals and discounts on everything from groceries to clothing if you know where to look, but how do you go about saving money when shopping online? Use these 10 tips to ensure you’re getting the best prices possible and that you’re not losing money unnecessarily in the process!
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- Shop around
Before making a purchase, it’s always best to shop around. Make sure you know where your money is going, and how much it will cost. Take advantage of online coupons, sales and price-comparison tools that help you get great deals in all kinds of industries, including groceries and restaurants. And don’t forget your local utility providers – chances are they have deals or rebates on their services as well.
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- Always be on the lookout for new discounts
One of the easiest ways to save money online is by paying attention to every discount you can find. Sign up for coupon mailing lists, and always shop with a price comparison app installed on your phone. Keep an eye out for discounts from stores’ social media accounts and check out websites like Slickdeals, RetailMeNot and CouponSherpa when making purchasing decisions. Even if you’re not going to use those coupons right away, write them down somewhere so you don’t forget about them!
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- Put your data into use
Why waste money when you could be saving it? If you’re already a savvy Internet user, use your existing expertise to find new ways of saving. When was the last time you checked if there are any discounts available on airline tickets? If your bank has a rewards program, take advantage of it by applying for an extra card or finding other ways of upping your cash-back rate.
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- Don’t get scammed by discount codes
Many websites offer fake discount codes that trick you into spending more money or signing up for something you don’t want. Check out a website’s reputation before you go shopping, and use discount codes with caution.
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- Make your digital presence visible
There are over 2.3 billion users of social media worldwide, which is why your business needs a presence on sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Having a presence online gives potential customers a way to check out your products, but it’s also important to make sure that you have an active presence that isn’t just automated updates. Instead, follow these suggestions for writing professional and helpful posts on each of these networks
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- Create an income from your social media accounts
You can make money from your social media accounts if you monetize them properly. For example, you can create YouTube videos and use AdSense on your website. This is something very similar to Google Adsense for your websites but it's only for YouTube. If you have a large following, then you can use Merch by Amazon and sell T-shirts, mugs or hats.
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- Diversify your streams of income
What if one of your streams of income suddenly dries up? Do you want to rely on just that one stream of income, or are you prepared for losing it and being able to live off your other sources? Remember, never put all your eggs in one basket.
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- Set up automatic payments for everything
One of your best bets is automating your bill-paying. Set up automatic payments for all of your bills, which can save you time and money. If you have a credit card with an annual fee, call customer service and explain that you’d like to cancel it—but then tell them that they need to switch your payment method so that it’s automatically deducted from your checking account every month. You don’t have to do anything else!
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- Control your finances with a budget planner
There are thousands of budget planners out there, many of which are intuitive and easy to use. My personal favorite is You Need a Budget (YNAB). YNAB makes it easy to set up and track a detailed monthly budget, but you also get tools that help you plan ahead—like predictions on how much money you’ll have in your bank account each month so you can manage your cash flow with ease.
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- Use Wi-Fi tracking software
If you're shopping online, always look for Wi-Fi-enabled labels on products before clicking on any links. This will help you avoid accidentally purchasing an item without Wi-Fi access (and paying full price). If a product doesn't have a Wi-Fi enabled label, there are apps out there that will let you know if something can be shipped via Wi-Fi.
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