in savingmoney •  2 years ago 


You may not have influence over the economy, but you do have power over your own behavior. Here are ten methods to manage your finances.

1 - Keep a record of your expenditures.

Knowing where your money is going can make it easier to make changes if necessary.
For a week or two, use BALANCE's Fritter Finder tool to see where your money is going.

2 - Distinguish between wants and necessities.

Is that 42-inch flat-screen television really necessary?
When money is scarce, only spend what is absolutely essential.

3 - Pay your payments without utilizing credit.

While using credit may make things easier in the short term, it will simply increase your monthly payments in the long run.

4 - Save on a regular basis.

Set up a monthly automatic transfer from your checking to your savings account or have a portion of your paycheck put directly into your savings account.

5 - Make sure your insurance coverage are up to date.

Examine the coverage for all of your insurance policies.
You may have too much and be wasting money, or you may have too little and be underinsured.
Virginia CU Insurance Services can assist you in locating the most cost-effective policy.

6 - Be cautious when making large expenditures on a regular basis, such as gifts and vacations.

While spending money may make you feel good at the time, you may wish you had it afterwards.

7 - Reduce or eliminate your services.

Is it possible to get a cheaper cable bundle or do you want to do without?

8 - Attempt to reduce your energy bill.

When appliances and lights are not in use, turn them off.
Invest in energy-saving light bulbs.
Use a fan instead of air conditioning or a sweater instead of putting on the heat when possible.

9 - Think about registering for online bill payment.

You will not only save money on stamps, but you will also ensure that your payments are received on time.
Members can use VACU's online Bill Pay service for free.

10 - Cut down on take-out ordering.

Even if the meal is not expensive, doing it frequently can really add up. A $10 pizza once a week will cost you over $500 a year!

And if you like to save money, be sure to click on the link below to WIN $750 ABSOLUTELY FREE:


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