50 Really Cute Things to Say to Your Girlfriend

in say •  7 years ago 


Want to make your girlfriend go awww? Here are 50 cute things to say to your girlfriend that can bring a happy blush on her face when she hears you.

Impressing a girl and pursuing her may the first step in charming a girl and getting her to go out with you.

But a relationship is more than just the chase.

And as much as the big shows of affection matter in a relationship, it’s the little things that really count.

[Read: 25 sweet romantic gestures for everyday life]

Cute things to say to your girlfriend

Wouldn’t you feel nice when you’re appreciated or complimented about something?

Your girlfriend feels the same way too.

And especially when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and sweet sentences make a much more meaningful impact on them.

Want to make your girlfriend blush with delight with just a sentence?

[Read: How to compliment a girl and make her blush]

Then look no further than these 50 cute things to say to your girlfriend.

50 sweet sentences that can make your girlfriend feel special

Firstly, these 50 cute sentences work. And they work well.

But there are a few things you have to keep in mind before using them.

Use the sentences at the appropriate moment, be truthful about it and use a line only if you really feel it in your heart. Lying or joking about something romantic only insults your girlfriend, especially if she believes you’re telling the truth at first.

You can text your girlfriend these lines or say it to her when you’re cuddling up together. But always remember to feel it before you say it.

#1 You make me believe in soul mates. [Read: How to find your true soul mate]

#2 You give meaning to my life.

#3 I can’t imagine my life without you in it.

#4 How do you look so beautiful all the time?

#5 You make me feel so lucky when I’m around you.

#6 You always know how to surprise me.

#7 You’re the reason my life feels so perfect. [Read: The complete guide to writing an unforgettable love letter]

#8 You look so cute when you laugh.

#9 You brighten up my day every time I see you.

#10 I dreamt of you last night.

#11 I think of you and kiss my pillow before I fall asleep every night.

#12 I could stare at you forever and I’d still feel like I haven’t had enough of you.

#13 I love the way you smell.

#14 You make me feel so happy when I’m with you, my jaws hurt.

#15 Spending time with you is the highlight of my day.

#16 You are such a good dancer. [Read: 25 things that turn a girl on sexually about a guy]

#17 You understand me so well, it’s like you can read my mind.

#18 I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

#19 I feel so happy just spending time with you.

#20 You’re my best friend.

#21 You make my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile.

#22 No, you’re not fat. You’re perfect and just the way I like it.

#23 You could have any guy in the world, and yet you chose me.

#24 You make me feel weak in the knees when I touch you.

#25 I want to make time stand still when I’m with you but time always finds a way to fly past. [Read: How to think like a woman and impress a girl]

#26 I wish I could have met you years ago.

#27 Just hearing your voice in the morning makes my day.

#28 Your cute smile makes me melt.

#29 The way you look every time I say goodbye makes it so hard for me to walk away from you.

#30 You’ve made my dreams come true.

#31 I haven’t met a person who’s as nice and caring as you.

#32 I love you so much I can’t explain it even if I tried. [Read: When should you say ‘I love you’ for the first time?]

#33 You’re the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met.

#34 I love the way your skin feels so soft when I run my hands over it.

#35 I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

#36 Don’t ever change, because I love you just the way you are.

#37 You make me feel like an excited child at a theme park when I’m with you.

#38 It hurts me more to see you sad.

#39 Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them.

#40 You make me want to be a better man just so I can be more worthy of your love. [Read: 20 traits of a real man that you should have]

#41 I get butterflies in my stomach when you run your hands against my face.

#42 You look so beautiful and angelic, I feel like I’d dirty you just by touching you.

#43 I think God was high when he created you because there’s no one else who comes so close to perfection. [Read: The right way to be chivalrous and impress a girl]

#44 You’re the one thing I’m most thankful for having in my life.

#45 I love the way you say you love me when I kiss you goodnight over the phone.

#46 I love the way your hair feels as I run my fingers through them.

#47 I love the way you feel in my arms when I hug you goodbye.

#48 I want to kiss every inch of you. [Read: 20 dirty questions to ask a girl and make her wet]

#49 I start my day with you on my mind and end my day with you in my dreams.

#50 I love you so much I could worship you.

follow me for more ----- @drt

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haha, that num. 48 ;)

Kapan pestanya,,,

Nice one! :)

I take it that, Honey you need to loose some weight is not one of them. LOL

if u have gf learn here somethingg. <3

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good post