RE: SBD trading at a premium? Let's print some SBD!

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SBD trading at a premium? Let's print some SBD!

in sbd •  7 years ago  (edited)

Because there's a difference between converting and selling. Converting does not give you the market price! When you convert, you get the price of STEEM in USD, not the price of STEEM in SBD. There are technical reasons for this that are important, but unfortunately this makes it incredibly confusing.

Right now, if you convert 20 SBD, you'd only get about 17 STEEM for it (20/1.15). Instead, if you go to the market and sell, you'd get 28 STEEM for it.

It all comes down to the original Steem dev team's poor decision to use the word "convert" for the operation that destroys SBD.

Anyway, do you believe me that there's a technical difference in Steem between "convert" and "sell"? If not, I can try to be more clear.

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Ah my bad, I misunderstood. Yeah, never straight up convert it through that button. I went to the internal market and sold/converted it for about 1.5x. Thanks for the clarification

Right, excellent. I wish Steemit would just remove the option to do the destroy/convert operation.

You can't remove the option to convert SBD to Steem without destroying the peg, which is the raison d'être of Steem Backed Dollars. Check out the name, by decree of the Steem Blockchain, 1 SBD is at a minimum worth 1 USD worth of Steem. SBD is basically an IOU from the Steem Blockchain to the holder for 1 USD worth of Steem. Without the convert option the guarantee of 1 USD of value is gone and you're left with nothing more than just another crypto-currency that offers nothing more than what Steem already offers.

A short historical side note: At one time the USD was backed by gold and the holder of 1 USD could go to the treasury and 'convert' that 1 USD to 1 USD worth of gold. That is what is meant by backing a currency. The backed currency is convertible to another store of value on demand and that conversion is what gives that currency its value.

SBDs is a useful currency because it offers this peg that acts as a rock in the turbulence of the crypto market. When the price goes above 1 USD people will dig it out of their wallets and sell it. Which will drive the price down. When the price falls, people will convert their SBD holdings to steem or buy SBD to convert to steem and the price will go up. If everyone is patient the market will fix the problem for you. If you understand the rules of this market, you can not only help restore the peg for SBD but you can profit from helping to restore the peg.

As for hurting the community, I don't understand what damage the community is suffering right now. It is a bit inconvenient for those (myself included) who are looking for a pegged currency to 'lock in' their profits from the recent upswing in the overall crypto market. However, such is life. To complain about this is sorta like complaining about overeating at Thanks Giving to a starving man. Be happy with the upturn, be patient, and the great forces of the Steem economy will return the peg shortly.

It's cool how you just assumed I didn't know what I was talking about, and then wrote a novel to tell me that I'm wrong. I think you just mansplained me.

You can't remove the option to convert SBD to Steem without destroying the peg

Indeed. But right now people are converting in droves because they don't understand what it means. Steemit can remove the "convert" button, but leave the blockchain operation intact.

Be happy with the upturn, be patient, and the great forces of the Steem economy will return the peg shortly.

The forces only push the peg in the right direction if people understand them. Hence my post, helping people to understand them. We are all market participants, and I am currently participating in your mystical "great forces of the Steem economy!" It's actually pretty magical.

Please forgive me for 'mansplaining to you'. My actual intention was to mansplain to any one who did not understand the situation or for normal people, just explain. So that everyone that read it can not only participate in the solution but profit from the solution. Please note that this response was not directed to you. It was a response to the whole thread in general. You simply provided me with a good segue into the topic. BYW, how do you know that I'm not a woman? In which case you should have said 'womansplained'.

As for the removal of the convert button, yes, the blockchain would still function. I never said it would not. What I said is that the unique usefulness of SBD would be lost as the peg to USD would be destroyed. This solution would prevent people from converting when the price is above 1 USD. However, it would also prevent people from converting when the price is below 1 USD, which could potentially allow the value of the SBD to drop to 0 and destroy it even if Steem is strong. The convert button is a tool, and with any tool people do need to understand how to use it safely. So they don't disadvantage themselves. That is why I 'wrote a novel' not to embarrass you but to inject a bit of understanding into a thread that I hope will be read by many and of course maybe get a few upvotes.

Also, since when is 4 paragraphs a novel? It's like 10 minutes of writing.

All fair, you're more than welcome to write novels and I apologize for jumping on you like that. I said "novel" because Steemit doesn't display long comments very well and it takes up a lot more space than it could, but of course you didn't do anything wrong. Oh, and are you a woman? I could go change it if you like... ;)

This solution would prevent people from converting when the price is above 1 USD. However, it would also prevent people from converting when the price is below 1 USD

My point is that if the blockchain operation still exists, then people who are technically savvy can execute conversions even if there's no button on Surely you agree that the convert feature is an advanced feature that is more likely to be misunderstood than understood (just read the comments on this blog post if you're not convinced), and as such it's not unreasonable to take measures to reserve its use for advanced users. Removing it from the website would do this. The incentives to convert when it's appropriate would still exist, and the technically-savvy whales who have API access to the conversion feature would still easily be able to regulate the price of SBD. But it would save casual users from mistakenly losing 30% of the value of their SBD when the price is high.

At the very least, should hide it in some kind of "advanced features" section.

@biophil, Thanks for the apology. It takes a big man, or woman to apologize.

As for the display of long posts in Steemit, I fully agree. I’m reading your post and I’m looking at at a screen that is at least 3/4ths blank. I know it is supposed to be ‘clean’ and ‘uncluttered’, but it really is just a waste of space.

Moving on to the convert button, I still think the convert function needs to be in the control of the account owner. The purpose of SBD is to ensure that the contributors to Steemit receive a dollar (USD) of value for a dollar of work as defined by Steemit. Crypto-currencies are notoriously volatile. Being paid directly in a set amount of Steem would lead to periods of glut when Steem is up and periods of famine when Steem is down. Periods of glut would be OK for Steemit, people would still contribute. However, the periods of famine would be bad because contributors would not be paid very much and contribution would drop off. Being paid a variable amount of Steem calibrated to be equal to a dollar for each dollar of work done could work. The problem there would be the volatility of Steem could degrade your pay very quickly if the recipient was not on top of managing their currency. SBD was created to provide a stable store of value so that a dollar worth of work could be paid in a currency with a guaranteed minimum value of a dollar. SBD has no guarantee of always being equal to a dollar. Only a guarantee of being worth at least a dollar, due to the promise of the Steem Blockchain to pay a dollar in Steem.

So where it is nice to have a place move your money to that is always equal a dollar, SBD is not designed to be that place. I mention this because it is the only inconvenience that I see to the community. If you see any others, let me know. I would be interested in considering them.

With the convert button the SBD holder is guaranteed a dollar from the Steem blockchain. Any thing over a dollar gained by selling it is gravy. While I like my gravy and I hope everyone gets their gravy, loosing the convert button looses the guarantee of a minimum value of a dollar with the convenience of being delivered to you at your chosen time. Furthermore, if the price of having the convert button is that some will only get what they were promised and not any extra, I’m OK with it. I will do my best to explain to people how to get their gravy. So loosing out on the extra does not happen but I won’t advocate getting rid of the button.

I do agree that the convert button is not well understood by many. So let me propose a counter solution to removing it. What do you think about Steemit placing a ‘tech-tip’ icon next to the button that when clicked brings up a message explaining what conversion is and how and when to use it. That way we keep the button and hopefully educate people on how to use it.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

With the convert button the SBD holder is guaranteed a dollar from the Steem blockchain

No! The converter is guaranteed to receive a dollar in expectation (more or less). In practice it will be more or less than a dollar, depending on the fluctuations in the STEEM price between the time the conversion is requested and the time the STEEM is delivered.

Now I know many people do like to play the lottery, but in practice I very much doubt that the typical user of Steem is ever served by using that function and receiving some unpredictable amount of STEEM more or less than one dollar. It is part of the mechanism yes, but it can (and should) be left to sophisticated users and traders who can access it via other means such as the blockchain (cli) tools, vessel, etc.

I'm pretty sure that at last 90% of the time when the 'convert' function in the UI is used, the person doing it does not understand how it actually works, what they will receive, and how it is determined. Needless to say I agree with @biophil about removing it from the standard UI, or at a minimum hiding it in an advanced section.

Your counter solution is fine, but that explanation would need to be both concise and correct enough that people would actually read it, which is hard. Hiding the button in "advanced features" is still better, IMO.

You write

Being paid directly in a set amount of Steem would lead to periods of glut when Steem is up and periods of famine when Steem is down. Periods of glut would be OK for Steemit, people would still contribute. However, the periods of famine would be bad because contributors would not be paid very much and contribution would drop off.

That's precisely how it works, except the Steem is paid as SBD. Everything having to do with the rewards pool is denominated in Steem; the rewards are only converted to SBD at the moment of payout. Back when Steem was 10 cents, people were being paid a tenth of what they are now.

@voicie-of-reason I'm still new to Steem and still trying to figure how it all works. Your reply cleared up a ton of questions I had. Thanks for writing it.

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Its nice to be appreciated.

I read your article and was not sure why you were advising not to press the "convert" button. Was it because it would be a waste of cryptomoney for me and that I would make more money selling thorough the market, or was it because you thought the price being out of wack was damaging to the economy as a whole, and thus I'd add to the problem by "converting" SBDs? In other words, I wondered if you were advocating your position on ideological or practical grounds.

The reply from @voice-of-reason cleared that up for me. So please don't get butthurt from his elucidating comment. Maybe you can learn to bring more clarity to your own writing from his feedback.

Sorry, I'm more than happy to be unbutthurt -- thanks for your comment.

I wondered if you were advocating your position on ideological or practical grounds.

Really both, because the incentives are aligned. Doing the right thing for you does the right thing for SBD.

Thanks for the civil reply. Your article makes perfect sense to me now, and I see why the Steem designers did things the way they did. Steem is still new, and the people in it are on the bleeding edge of social media. Like most things designed by highly-technical people, the user-friendliness of Steemit still has a way to go until "even your grandma can use it."

Posts like the article you wrote are a necessary intermediary step from Steem being a geek toy to making it accessible to the masses. Cheers!

pocketsend:501@voice-of-reason, pocket all around!

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