in sbd •  6 years ago 

On coinmarketcap SBD is up 250%

Not on Bittrex or poloniex, anyone has an explenation for this? Would be too good to be true rigth?


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The SBD price on coinmarketcap comes from the average price of SBD over the top five exchanges,hitbtc being one of them,i heard that the price on there was $50 dollars! There prices are usually higher due to low volume.basically the figures on coinmarketcap are not a true reflection of the SBD price.
I use,it gives a more accurate price and there are no ads.i hope this helps a little bit.

Thank you very much for your answer!

Correction its...342% now wtf!

It confused me the other day when SBD hit again that high although it’s not true though.

Check this out: by @themarkymark

He suggested to check the price on Bittrex

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

And the price should be about 22 usd )))

Bitcoin price is now 7.518,45 $

but not on poloniex or bittrex :-/

I missed this! It is now $1.75 @ 0.69%