Introduction to bots in

in sbd •  7 years ago 

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An ecosystem is formed by living beings and others that are not, in this case the bots are a complement for Steemit. Any user with knowledge in programming and a little effort could create some.

They exist in many forms, flavors and colors. They are repudiated by some and necessary for others, the bots, whether we like it or not, are part of this financial ecosystem called Steemit. Today we will see the basic concepts about them and how to use them. So get ready for another informative

Bots to delegate
These are not widely publicized and the best known are in the MinnowSupportProject.

You only need to delegate a certain amount of steempower to vote for our articles.

Information Bots
Most of these are found in discord channels when writing #help, that's when a cordial robot appears to give us the information we need about the channel. Also within Steemit robots begin to appear that without calling them will give us information about a certain topic of the article that we have written, they are rare, but in the future they will expand.

These are the most popular within this financial ecosystem, there is a great diversity of names and amounts to invest in them. The page where you can find all of them is:


These must be used wisely, as the vote we generate depends on various factors and sometimes we will lose the investment. Talking about its use would take a long time, so we will do it in the following article to break down the topic appropriately.

For now, let's see these bots as a betting style to promote us and start talking about some of the arguments that surround its use.

Advertising in Steemit
For those of us who come from ad-infested social networks, Steemit seemed like a sacred space, some did not even realize that there is not some kind of publicity within this financial ecosystem.

The trending, hot and promote pages are one of the ways to expose our work to other users. The bid bots can get to locate us in those places.

Of course, being on the list of hot or trending will not ensure that people interact with us, it all depends on the quality of our article. There are an infinity of posts that, just as they have arrived, have left those lists.

This is as if we paid for a commercial space on a television channel, the task of reaching a little more people is fulfilled. However, the interaction will be generated depending on how attractive our product is and the quality of the previous ones.

As we said before, we will expand more about how to use the bid bots properly, if you are anxious to know their use and do not want to wait another second, you can enter the page and inquire for yourself.


For now, what do you think about its existence? See you in the following article: D

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