Our Heritage

in sc-g •  5 years ago 

Philipians 3:20; But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.


A citizen is belongs to a nation, mostly to become a citizen you have to be born in the country or state although there are many other was such as living in the country for a number of years, marrying in the country, naturalizing etc. This gives us the general idea that to become a member of nation you have to go through a process.


As Christians we are citizens of the Kingdom of God and this we attained through our being reborn and baptizism of the Holy Spirit. So then what is expected of us as Citizens? Citizens protect their Country, their heritage and do everything within their power to ensure that there is sustainable development so they can enjoy life as they would want to. Citizens paytheir taxes. Citizens protect state properties. So as heirs to the throne and kingdom of heaven, as citizens of the heavenly, we are obligated to promote the kingdom of God, pay pur tithes protect our heritage which is our salvation as born agains. So on this day the 31st of December and the last day of the year, i ask you, do you know your heritage as a child of God? Do you act as a citizen of the Kingdom of God?

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Thanks for been part of this azing family
Good to share with us. Happy New Year.


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