Be nice to everyone around you especially strangers: you wont die doing so.

in sc-g •  5 years ago  (edited)

Good morning brethren and welcome to my blog. Today I will be considering the need of showing hospitality to strangers and not just friends or Christians from our own denomination. Hope you will be blessed reading it.


Bible Reference

8.Above all, love one another deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.
9.Show hospitality to one another without complaining.
10.As good stewards of the manifold grace of God, each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve one another.… (1 Peter 4:8-10)

The central theme of Christianity is love, so much when Jesus was asked by the people what he thought was the greatest commandment so that they may follow, He answered:

“. ..thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment.

I could but imagine the frustration in the mind of the person that asked the question because he may have thought of another thing to have been the greatest commandment.

Jesus further explained and told them the second commandment which is liken to the first,

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets. ” Matthew 22:37-40

Hospitality is the duty of every Christian and in fact should be our way of life.

See every encounter you have with people as an opportunity to show forth the love of God. Help people.
You should never be rude or unaccommodating to anyone because this world is a very small place, the person you are rude to today may be your only source of help tomorrow. So please be nice always. God expects us to be hospitable to anyone we come across and not only Christians from our denomination.

In Genesis 18:17, God who says He wouldn’t do anything without first telling His friend Abraham did not send angels to him directly.
He only asked them to take the route through Abraham’s house at the time he would be outside.

He expected that Abraham would call the angels in and host them. Being a true child of God, he did not disappoint his Father. Imagine, he hosted angels! (Genesis 18:1-16)
Many Christians have missed their blessings because they were not as hospitable as they should have been.

That sweaty fellow you did not offer a bottle of water could have been the key to your prayers being answered.
Many of us are hospitable to our guests, which is good, but we can actually do better.
Have you considered the widow on your street, the beggar on your way home and other disadvantaged people around you?


I must add that hospitality is not limited to giving out material things.It could also be shown through warmth and friendliness to people – a word of encouragement or just a smile.
From today, decide to be a true Christian and be hospitable to everyone you come across. God will bless you for it.


God needs us to be hospitable to everyone that comes our way; so do well not to disappoint Him.

Further Reading

Hebrews 13: 2

Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it.

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