in sc-v •  6 years ago 


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Blessings and greetings for the friends and brothers of the blockchain.

I am pleased to share another study of the Word of God, specifically on "The courage to strive in the

Although God requires us to work, at the same time it makes others pay us reasonably for our work. In the life of Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, we find a wonderful example of a good reward for hard work. Joseph's spiteful brothers sold him as a slave to passing merchants, and eventually ended up being owned by a powerful Egyptian official. But, in spite of his slavery, "Jehovah was with Joseph, and he was a prosperous man ... And his teacher saw that the Lord was with him, and that everything he did, Jehovah made him thrive in his hand. , and he served him, and oversaw his house and gave him everything he had, and ... Jehovah blessed the Egyptian's house for Joseph ... And he left everything he had in Joseph's hand "(Gen. 39: 2 -6).


Joseph was not the owner of the great Egyptian heritage he administered, but everything passed through his hands. Although he was in a difficult environment, God was using him through the total management of his master's property. He lived well, ate well and dressed well. He had all his material needs covered. For what reason? Because the Lord had his master treat him with favor. The same can happen to you, dear reader.

If you are doing your best in your work and trusting that God will give you wisdom in all that you undertake, you will see how the Lord will cause others to bless you.

Second, the Egyptian received blessings in return. He did not have to worry about anything because Joseph was in charge of his house. Joseph had proved himself worthy of his trust.

God asks you to put maximum effort into your work and to do everything possible to build the trust of those who work with you or supervise you. How could you motivate yourself to reach this high level? The best way is to consciously acknowledge the presence of God in all areas of your work. Knowing that God is with you when you work will invigorate you every day!


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Our work must be done as for God and not for men, work with excellence, if we are engineers, architects, workers, sweepers, be the best, God is the one who blesses our work.

The scriptures advised us to do very well whatever that our hands found to do.

Thank you for those words.

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