in sc-v •  6 years ago 

la casa en la tormenta.gif

We all go through difficulties, and when they knock on our door, most of the time it's without warning. Before them, we have two options: we doubt that God can help us, or we believe that he can. Nobody said that with God it would be easy to go through difficulties, but without Him it will be impossible to pass through them. There are storms that arrive with great force, but they pass very quickly, there are others that arrive with the same intensity, but to stay for a long time; the latter hits us, makes us cry and comes with the intention of staying, but remember that the Bible teaches us that everything is temporary.

Solomon tells us that everything has an expiration date, because just as something begins, so it ends; Jesus also said that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word will not pass away. Even if the storm is here to stay, we have the power to decide whether it will stay or not, and the only way for the storm to stay is for us to make room for it in our lives. We should not give eternity to what God put an expiration date. No matter what kind of affliction comes into our lives, they are not eternal, they have an expiration date.

Although the night is very long, its end always comes, and then, the new dawn. But when we make room for pain or hatred, (understand that, to make room is to get used to that situation) we are giving permission to remain in our lives. Do not share the eternity that God has placed in our lives with the storm, because she is transient. Paul called the storm "mild tribulation."

Jesus said that we would all go through adversities, but that not all of us would come out of them in the same way. And it is that, when passing the problems, only those that have foundation are firm, because God does not work with our surface, but with our depth. Listening to the Word of God and putting it into practice will make us strong to resist in the bad day.

When we make room for the storm we begin to feed on what she says and leave aside the words that come from the mouth of God. This leads us to doubt the presence of God and to think that He is real for others, but not for us. It is necessary to believe that God can heal, prosper, care, not only others, but also us.

Our focus should always be on God and not on the storm, let us remain focused on what He says. David, in the middle of his storm, began to think about everything God had given him; and it is that, occasionally, in the middle of the storm, we focus on the bad, but the correct thing is to meditate on what God has given us and will give us, because just as He has acted in our lives in the past, He will return it to do. This will lead us to take strength to wait on God and what He has promised us. In the midst of the storm, let us wait believing and confessing the Word.

Psalm 42 teaches us three principles: first, when we feed on pain or tears we make permanent what has an expiration date. Second, it teaches us that we should focus on God and not on the storm. Third, choose to trust in God. David decided in the midst of the storm to trust, believe and wait on God and was delivered from the storm. This is the response of those who, in the midst of adversity, decide to trust in God, believing, praying, praising and waiting patiently.

God will do something new for those who wait patiently! Our miracle is about to come, let us wait patiently.


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God needs people stripped of themselves; The Lord does not need people who think and feel for themselves but let themselves be used by their Spirit. Your reason and your feelings do not give place to the power of God. You need crucified people! "He who wants to follow me, deny himself and take up his cross every day and follow me," says the Lord. People who do not cry because of the nails they have nailed but declare: "These nails are to give life!" Jesus needed to demonstrate the power he had over death. The sisters of Lazaro said to him: "Sir, if you had been here my brother would not have died". The Lord Jesus delayed getting to his friend, but He had a purpose. "I am happy for you, for not having been there, for you to believe ..." said the Lord. Meanwhile, the others cried saying: "What are you doing, teacher? Why do you say that? "It is that the logic of God is not our logic.

God himself says that for him there is nothing impossible, and only for him who has faith this is true. Jeremiah 32:27 says: "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; Is there anything that is difficult for me? " The word of God is categorical. There's nothing impossible for God.

We know that the storm always ends, great message @darlenys01.

we can not anchor ourselves in adverse situations and stay there forever, everything happens, the attitude we have is what makes the difference...

Do not put your trust in the things that perish, in the things of this world, that only rob you of peace and absorb your life until it wears you out. Jesus offers you a full life in him, and although we go through difficulties, he will be at our side to help us.