in sc-v •  6 years ago  (edited)

I wake up and you are with me.
It is not a dream, much less a mirage.
It's so real that I can hardly believe it.
You're present! I want to go, your company follows me.
Your presence accompanies me, enlightens me and shelters me.
I feel so excited, the feeling seems indescribable.

How do I tell you that you are everything to me?

Because no matter how many verses you try to write and for more phrases that you try to harmonize, no one equals the sublime that you feel, knowing you are the mistress of your love and even more so that you are the Owner of my heart. My life revolves around you, you are the center of my attention.
The devotion in my life is because you are the inspiration.

If I have risen in my falls, it is because you have extended your hands and supported me. You have been a guide in the middle of the path and a beacon of light in the middle of the dark night.
When my eyes can see you, it will be an exciting experience.
Knowing that everything was worth it and that in the midst of my imperfections and weaknesses you glorified yourself. Now I look like you, your scent permeates inside me. You are the fresh rain that sprinkles in the middle of the desert or like the dew that bathes the beautiful flowers.
My lips will not stop publishing that you are the most perfect, faithful and ideal lover. You exist and you are very real, I have seen you move and glorify you everywhere. In my humble way of feeling and expressing myself, I just want to tell you that you are the most special part of my life. That no one ever exists, nor will it exist, that he can give me everything you give.
To you, Lord, I elevate what I feel and let everyone know that as long as there is encouragement in me, I will be a publisher and a proclaimer of the God who loves me.

This adoration I love, it's a way to express your love with music, listen until the end is beautiful:

Text: Psalm 34: 19, 20
"Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
But Jehovah will deliver you from all of them.
He keeps all his bones;
Not one of them is broken"

What should be our attitude towards affliction as Christians?
a) Be patient and know how to wait. Psalm 40: 1-2; Lam 3:25; James 5:11; 2 Corinthians 6: 4-5
b) Know that the mercy of God has not been exhausted. Psalm 30: 5; Psalm 136: 1; Lamentations 3: 22-23
c) Know that affliction will one day end (And joy will come) Psalm 30: 5
d) Know that Jesus never promised us a life without afflictions. John 16:33.

If everyone understood that we need to humble ourselves before God and recognize our total dependence on Him, as they would say in our country: "another story would be serious". But the reality is different. We are facing a generation that does not depend on God, even ourselves, called Christians, we are not totally dependent on God, and really all this is a pity, because sooner or later that fact will pass bill. Facing everything we are living and of which we are being witnesses God led me to reflect on the verse, where the first sentence says: "Many are the afflictions of the just".

Now, what does fair mean? Among the definitions given to us by the dictionary of the Spanish language are:

  • What works according to justice and reason.
  • That he lives according to the law of God.

I'll keep the second definition: "who lives according to the law of God." While it is true today we do not live according to law but according to the grace of God, but that does not mean that we have to deviate from the purpose of our life which would have to be pleasing to God in ALL, and this is equal to being FAIR .
The Word of God in the verses we read tells us that many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the second sentence fills us with encouragement and tells us: "But Jehovah will deliver him out of them all."
This means that no matter what the afflictions are, if we are righteous people, God will free us from all of them.
The question would be: Are we being fair ?, If I ask you the following: Do you want to be free of your afflictions ?, Quickly and without hesitation you would answer me: "IF I WANT", but the answer is EVERYONE and it is not just about a spoken response, but rather a life that pleases God.

The key to being delivered from all afflictions is: BE FAIR.

Being fair has to do with leading a life that pleases God, a life that even with its errors and defects long for all the means of being transformed by the power of God to be before Him as a pleasant smell. Just being just needs to live as God intended and we ALL know that, but even when we know it, WE DO NOT WANT TO DO IT.

Beloved brothers, we are living in times when we urgently need to seek the justice of God, where excuses are no longer valid to try to justify our lack of justice. God longs to see a people that decides to seek justice to be just with God and therefore with EVERY world.

God wants to free you from all your afflictions, no matter what name you have, but also longs to see your life, a FAIR life, because the Word of God is clear in affirming that many will be the afflictions of the just, but what a nice to know is that God I will not forget you, but FOR ALL OF THEM HE WILL BREAK YOU.

It is worth mentioning that even when you are righteous, the afflictions will come, the fact of practicing justice will not leave you exempt from the afflictions, but you must have the certainty that the Lord will free you from ALL of them.

What happens when we know that the key to God's liberation from afflictions is justice, but we do not want to seek it?
It is time to long for justice, it is time to begin to be just, even in the least, in what we believe is not necessary. God desires hearts that long for justice, because such hearts will not deny their help.

Every day, I place all my actions in the hands of God, and even when I have been slandered, betrayed, I know that my eyes will not be closed until I am adorned with the precious stone of divine justice, God is my deliverer, he says the word: Tell the righteous that he will do well.

Let the love of God rule in our life, and everything will be better.

We must ask ourselves if we are being fair?

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Of a truth, I must say that I am not fair to God but I keep trying and working towards being fair to God.

On the issue of affliction, Christ never told us that afflictions and suffferings are not part of following Him. As a child of christ, you should always have it at the back of your mind that affflictions will come your way. But the good news is that Christ had won the victory for us already. So, don't lose hope when afflictions come, all you need do is wait patiently on Him.

God loves justice @darlenys01, we must always walk in righteousness.

Inspiring message Darlenys, the love of our Lord.

God loves justice, is our protection and strength, in the bad day Jehovah will answer us if we act with justice.

It is very nice what you say about God, he is always there with us to help us in the most difficult moments, when we believe that everything is over, Jesus, the liberator of the world and of our lives.

Moving message apostle @darlenys01, Jesus came to set us free, to love us.

I am very inspired by this message, to which we have been a victim of human injustice apostle @darlenys01 we know that the sun will soon rise.

Jesus came to give freedom when we are afflicted, to proclaim justice.

Amen apostol, God frees us from everything and we must show him love

God is love is just, and he shows you his love and will free you from all evil

In this world it is inevitable not to have afflictions and as humans we will always feel them, but the good news is that we will not live them alone, because of all of them God will deliver us

Thank you we give to God, because it is our hope and help in all our tribulations @ darlenys01

God is just and as such he wants his children to practice justice, He will always be with us, he loves us and will never leave us.

By the grace and mercy of God we live, because as God is just, He encourages us in the midst of any circumstance, He has never left us and when we think He is weakening He raises us up and consoles us

God bless you, sister, if we are Christians and we practice justice, we are not free from afflictions. The great thing is that God is on our side.

apostolic blessings that make a difference when we do not have God in our lives we all find it difficult once the afflictions are light

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Responsible parenting is no mean task. It's not a job for a lazy, selfish or an important parent. It is a daunting task because the well-being of a child is the well-being of a society. That child under your care today might be a president, a pastor, or a pediatrician tomorrow. What kind of leader or professional would you want him to be, a corrupt or virtuous one? If all parent today decides to bring up children in the way of the Lord and groom them in every facet of life, imagine the king society we will have in the nearest future. Parenting is one task every parent must take seriously.

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As a parent, the task before you is not just to raise independent and functional adults, but also to raise children who will have a vibrant spiritual life and godly character whether you are present or not. It is unfortunate that many children become wayward because their parent fail to impact them in a godly way. These parents are busy running the rat race that they abdicate their parental responsibilities to their children, leaving them at the mercy of the church, school and the society. God frowns at this. He demands that every parent personally brings up their children in the way of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).

To raise godly children in this godless world, you will need a lot more than parenting tips and principles gleaned from books. You need help from the greatest parent and "The Father of all... " (Ephesians 4:6). He owns both you and child you care (Ezekiel 18:4). He knows what you need to give you child the best upbringing. So, partner with God; it saves you worries and needless stress. You need god to guide you through every stage of your child's development; you need his wisdom, tact, patience and strength to raise godly children.

Partnering with God is only possible if you have a relationship with him. God will not hear your cry for help if you are still a sinner. Therefore, you need to surrender your life to God in repentance today. Forsake your sins and be cleansed in the blood of the lamb. Also, be ready to play your own part by teaching your children, showing good examples, loving them and interceding for them.

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