in sc-v •  6 years ago 

Perhaps, you have experienced that your family, friends, and coworkers are not happy with your conversion to Christ: in fact, they may be quite hostile. "I preferred you when you were not a Christian!" Said a man to a new believer. Have courage, my friend; It is not you who dislike them, but your Lord. It is not that they are against you, but against the Gospel that you believe.


The Gospel of the grace of God is hated and despised by carnal men. The Gospel of the glory of God (the salvation that gives God all the glory, that begins and ends with Him, that looks to Him as the source, the origin, the giver and the gift) is contrary to the flesh. They will not tolerate this message of sovereign mercy nor will they receive those who believe and preach it. Two mistakes can walk together in harmony, or at least in peace, but error will never accept the truth and never allow it anywhere. It must be suppressed and denied. If you dare to declare your belief in the sovereign, elective, infinite and eternal love of Christ, prepare yourself for the difficulties. If you have the courage to preach the mercies of God's covenant, the sufficient obedience and sacrifice of Christ, and the effective call of the Holy Spirit, be certain that you will undergo the same trials as those who have walked the same way before.

One of the great preachers in the past of sovereign grace gave four reasons for the attitude of natural men towards the grace of God.

Addressing all men as sinners offends the dignity of man. He refuses to be called a sinner. He does not mind admitting that he is not perfect, but admitting that he was born in sin, without God, without strength, without hope, not having justice, and a child of anger, he never will.
The Gospel of revelation offends the wisdom of man. Do you mean that apart from the vivifying work of the Holy Spirit, apart from divine revelation, a man with a certain intelligence and an adequate education can not understand the Gospel that you preach? Exactly! A man can understand free will, but the mysteries of grace must be revealed. How God can be just and who justifies is a mystery that no man understands.
Salvation as a free gift offends the pride of man. "I will go home and pray." I hope you do, but prayer does not save: it is Christ who saves! "I will give my money and serve the Lord." I hope you do, but the works do not save: it is Christ who saves! Salvation is the gift of God, as is repentance, faith, and all grace. This gratuitous gift is despised by all those who try to establish their own righteousness. Men, by nature, have to share the glory if only to a small extent. His pride will not let him beg for mercy and fall at the feet of the Lord making his seat in the dust. "A man can understand free will, but the mysteries of grace must be revealed"

The demands of the lordship of Christ offend the self-love of man. Christ is welcome as his Savior from sin, judgment and hell, but Christ as Lord and supreme dictator of his heart, hand, health, home and inheritance is not in his plans. Bernard used to say: "I know who you say is your Savior, but who is your Lord? His servants are you and his will you will do, and his company you will have forever." "My will" is still the essence of sin, and "your will" is the sum and substance of holiness. No one can serve two masters. Christ will be the Lord of all, or He will not be Lord at all!


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The gospel was intended by God to save us, but for Him to receive praise for His abundant grace (Ephesians 1: 6). All credit for our salvation is for Him. That is why the gospel of God's grace (Heb 20:24) must be presented as revealed in Scripture, because when it is perverted, substituted, or diluted, it gives merit. and glory to man (Gal. 1.7).

Grace is one gift of God to humanity that is beyond complete and absolute explanation of man. Grace represents the wrap of God's love for humanity.

Deep reflection @Darlenys01

"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this does not come from you, but it is the gift of God" (Eph 2: 8). This passage of the Scriptures is one of many that teach us that the salvation that the gospel offers us is totally by grace. Grace is at the heart of the Bible.

The gospel announces the gratuity of our salvation and at the same time the inscrutable cost paid by our Lord Jesus Christ. His grace expresses the inability of every human being to earn it by any merit and the undeserved to receive it.

@darlenys01, I enjoyed this meditation, very helpful and explanatory.