How can God use an imperfect person like me?

in sc-v •  6 years ago 


Beloved in the Lord, I like to say hello. Now, let me tell you, in John 14:12, Jesus made this amazing statement: "He who believes in me, the works that I do, will do them also, and the greater works that he will do." Do not you think this is something incredible? We, as believers, will do greater works than the Savior of the world did. If you can not believe it, believe me you're not alone. This truth seems impossible when we consider it in light of our faults, our sins and our weaknesses.

Maybe you have stayed away because you have surrendered to sin, and shame has discouraged you completely. He feels that God can not use him because of the mistakes he has made, or the lack he has incurred. Perhaps he feels so weak in his spirit that he does not think he can be useful to the Lord again. This is not true at all. When we confess our sins, God forgives us and restores us.

The problem is not that you are inadequate or imperfect, it is that you have allowed your feelings to eclipse the truth of the Word of God. The Lord can always use it to show his love to others (1 Jn 1: 9; 2 Co 1: 3-7).

Once he has confessed his sins and departed from them, he will be permanently clean (Ps 103: 12, Is 43:25, Jer 31:34). The Lord purifies you and equips you for your service. The question is no longer "do I deserve to serve the Lord?" Or "Do I have enough talent to represent it?" These questions no longer matter, because the Lord is completely in charge of those matters, rather, this is the question that must be asked. "Will I obey God and trust Him to show his love to others through me?

As soon as we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, his Holy Spirit lives in us. He allows us to do everything he asks of us, making the possibilities of our service to God unlimited. Then, when Jesus said we would do greater things than He did, it is because He would work through us in a powerful way, allowing us to be powerful witnesses of His name. He is the one who makes us fit, and works through us to show others his love.


The apostle John explains: "This is love: it is not that we love God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son in propitiation for our sins, beloved, if God has loved us this way, we must also love one another" ( 1 Jn 4: 10-11).

We do not serve the Lord because we are perfect, we do it because we are grateful for what He has done for us. And the work we do is greater because every time we show their eternal love to another person, that love multiplies and grows.

So, do not worry about your weaknesses, imperfections, faults or defects. The Lord will work through all of them (1 Cor. 1:27, 2 Cor. 12: 9-10). Confess your sins, receive the love of God and allow him to demonstrate his wonderful grace and forgiveness through you. Share your love that saves with others and welcome the great things that He wants to do through you.



We do not serve the Lord because we are perfect, we do it because we are grateful for what He has done for us. And the work we do is greater because every time we show their eternal love to another person, that love multiplies and grows.

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One of the things that we must understand is that we are imperfect and that this is the main cause for which we serve Jesus in gratitude for all the sacrifice He made for us without taking into account our imperfections.