How do I handle a difficult test that I did not cause?

in sc-v •  6 years ago 



A pleasure to greet you, loved in the Lord.

When facing complex and difficult situations that we ourselves do not provoke, it seems that it leads us to ask ourselves: Why does this happen to me if I am well with the Lord?

Let me tell you that not even those who maintain an intimate and close communion with the Lord are immune to disappointments, obstacles, challenges of life, struggles and feelings of hopelessness. In fact, sometimes God allows us to face impossible circumstances to prove our faith. Adversity is what motivates us to seek it, and when we do it, He is faithful to strengthen us and renew us.

God is interested in us when we face difficult situations.

The Lord knows every emotion, every need and every desire that we have. He is interested when we face difficult situations and we get tired. He hears our cries and understands exactly what it takes to move us to a more intimate relationship with him.

The apostle Peter addressed his two letters "to the expatriates of the dispersion in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia" (1 Peter 1: 1; 2 Peter 3: 1). If today the author had to choose a title for his letters, he could consider "Value in times of suffering" or "Hope in the midst of pain", because the breath and hope are precisely what Peter communicated to these believers with problems.

These Christians faced all kinds of persecution. They were beaten, slandered, assaulted, and many of them lost their lives because of their faith in Jesus Christ. Peter called them "expatriates" because their citizenship was not of this world but of the kingdom of God. However, they were going through moments of great discouragement and loss, and therefore they needed the kind of courage that is only found in Christ. Peter explained that they could rejoice even in times of trial because Jesus, their Savior and the risen Lord, would always be the living hope within them (1 Peter 1: 3). As long as we have the Lord Jesus Christ, no situation lacks hope.

Dear reader, would you like to have eternal hope?

Then, focus your heart on Jesus (1 Tim 4:10). He wants his will and blessing to have perfect fruit in his life. So you are in a seemingly impossible situation, remember that He has a totally different view of the details. And if you allow it, He will take your life, no matter how battered and broken, and make it beautiful.

Does not hope consist precisely in the fact that God can change our ashes for beauty, our sorrows of joy and our anxious spirit for a mantle of joy (Is 61: 1-3)? This is the ongoing ministry of Jesus Christ in your life. Therefore, bring your afflictions and your disappointments. Say your sorrows, and He will restore your hope.



Not even those who maintain a close and intimate communion with the Lord are immune to disappointments, obstacles, challenges of life, struggles and feelings of hopelessness. In fact, sometimes God allows us to face impossible circumstances to prove our faith. Adversity is what motivates us to seek it, and when we do it, He is faithful to strengthen us and renew us.

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We are all exposed to suffer disappointments, but the case is not in having them but as we face it, then, the Christian who relies on God has a hope in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Thanks for sharing @elpastor.

Great reflection, we must keep it in mind more than ever.